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"Sick..." she said, woozy and dizzy from the pink and bedazzled portal she'd just been pulled into, which sent her through what seemed to be an endless pink dream.

First, Gwendolyn got up and looked around. Wherever she was, it didn't look out of the blue. It was blatantly normal, except for the fact she was on a rooftop.

As she dove deeper into her surroundings, she was now realizing that she was still in New York, and she had a black duffel bag, to which she opened and found her suit.

Finally noticing the heavy weight on her wrist, she gazed down at the circular watch, hitting a button that seemingly made her go back through the pink dimension and spit her out on the rooftop across from her.

Confused, but ecstatic, she realized what was in her hands.

Some type of teleportation device, which definitely added onto her already developed spider powers.

Now here's the question, where exactly was she?

After doing a little more looking in, she came to the conclusion she was no longer in her own dimension, but instead in a similar one. Like a parallel.

She rested her chin on top of her palm, overlooking the busy city, really unsure
of what to do at this point. She couldn't go back yet, for she didn't know how.

Suddenly, her arm was grasped by something cold and metal. Something perhaps so cold it felt as if the grim reaper himself was coming to take her to the underworld.

She was pulled back and slightly tossed to the center of the pavement, nearly hitting some carelessly positioned hardware.

As she got back into whatever was going on, she realized the familiar sight.

"Well..." she whispered to herself. There was nothing better then a good old busy street fight in the heart of New York City.

She swiftly moved towards her bag, and jumped from building to building, settling in a dark deserted alleyway to change.

Once her mask was on and hood was up, a tiny smile spread across her face, webbing onto a building beyond her and swung forward, trying to recognize the good guys and the bad guys.

Right off the bat, she saw that one guy, Iron Man.

There were also Avengers in her dimension, but lord who knows what side they were on.

Assuming they were the good guys (considering the large, goggled guy with the octopus arms that was terrifying civilians) she chose her side, which stood with the Avengers.

Making sure once more her web shooters and other powers were intact, she was about to spring into action until another one of those metal tentacles wrapped coldly around her neck, causing her to hack and choke until she was dropped down on top of another building, the man protectively (more like he was keeping something off) stood in front of her, threatening the Avengers to kill if they don't stand off.

Captain America directed his team to stop fighting, in hopes Otto would set the girl free, almost seeing no oddity in the way she was dressed or masked.

Some however, didn't get the spiel.

Iron Man took to the skies and began to fire out a large beam of light from his chest.

The man ducked, as Gwen just watched in amusement, waiting for her time to shine.

He finally turned around and got ready to strike her, but instead, a pink energy appeared around her and poof! She was gone!

The man looked around, almost in awe but too evil to admit it.

And back around she came, swinging off of a large lamppost and right into him, slamming him off the edge and into an alleyway.

Quickly jumping down, she landed on her feet and webbed him to the concrete wall, crossing her arms and shaking her head, as she said, "Does your mom know you do this?"

"So you're like Spiderman?" asked Dr. Banner.

"Who's that?" Gwen replied, still masked and a little scared to remove it.

"You don't know who Spiderman is?"

"Haven't heard of him, Dr."

The Avengers exchanged glances, and in the end all of them landed on Gwen.

"What's your name?" The Black Widow questioned.


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