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Over the next few months, Peggy and John grew closer and more comfortable with each other. (with occasional help from Maria and Alex) they'd spend hours texting about random stuff. pretty soon, they were calling and facetiming.

Peggy didn't want to admit it, but she had developed strong feelings for the boy. maybe it was his warm smile, or the way freckles painted his golden-brown skin. Maybe it was the fact he seemed to genuinely care how her day was. she didn't know what it was that made her feel this way, and she didn't need to either. all she knew was that she was falling. falling hard and falling fast. and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

"peggy, PEGGY"

She pulled away from her thoughts, looking at her phone screen. "sorry john, what were you saying?" she smiled bashfully. "I said 'how was your day" are you okay?" Peggy blushed lightly at his comment. god, why does he have to be so caring all the time? "I'm fine. just thinking," the girl answered honestly. she watched as his eyebrows creased slightly. "what about?" just as she was about to answer, her door swung open. her eyes widened but she immediately let out a sigh of relief as she realized it was only maria.

"maria don't do that! you scared the shit out of me," she paused eying her suspiciously. "how did you get in here?" Peggy found it very unlikely that her sisters would let her in at eight pm. Maria crashed on the bed before stating, "it's Saturday" then it clicked. Saturdays were like heaven in the Schuyler household. the three sisters would spend it resting, catching up on schoolwork, or just chatting.

Maria didn't wait for her response. instead, she leaned over her shoulder and waved to her phone. "hey john!" she exclaimed loudly, causing Peggy to push her shoulder slightly. "hey maria!"  John said, trying to match her enthusiasm. The girls rolled their eyes. "Nice man bun," Maria smirked. John shook his head lightly before snarkily replying, "nice glasses" Peggy snorted, remembering how her best friend ranting to them about how much she loathed her new eyewear days prior.

She shot him a nasty glare before giving him the finger. "Just so you know that was a genuine compliment."

"No, it wasn't"
"No it wasn't."
John and Peggy say unanimously.

After a few more minutes of light conversation they wrapped up their call. " okay i gotta go" Peggy smiled. "so soon?" "some of us actually care about homework." she playfully scoffed. "homework can kiss my a-" "bye pegs

she smirked softly, tossing her phone somewhere near the end of the bed.

Maria had watched the whole thing go down from the corner of the girl's room. she knew her best friend was falling. John had made Peggy happier than she had been in years. After her mom's death, her father drowned himself in his work. And her sisters had their friends at school and each other to keep them. Seeing Peggy happier made her happier. She was going to get them together. For Peggy's sake and her own.

A/N: hey lol. this is a shorter chapter but still a cute one. i thought i'd show you a bit more of peggy's home life and a bit of maria's sensitive side. i'm so glad i could find time to write my favorite dorks today! i hope you enjoyed! until next time!

𝐖𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐍𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑, jeggy.Where stories live. Discover now