"Ugh" You struggle to get yourself together and reach for the phone that has been ringing non-stop for the last 5 minutes. "Why are you so loud" You yell at it trying to reach for it across your bed. You finally reach it and pick it up, trying to squint and see who's name it was calling but failing miserably and answering it anyway.

"Youuu finally fucking answered" You stared at your phone trying hard to figure out what was going on.

"Woah, no offense but you look like shit." Ah you knew who it was.

"Eren just because you put 'no offense' in front of something doesn't make it not offensive."

You watch him as he glances at the phone but is focused on something else.

"Also, who the fuck told you to call me at 7 in the morning , from now on its 9 to 5 Eren, nothing before that " You say annoyed. You watch as he glances down at him phone laughing at your annoyance.

"So you called me and you're not even going to give me your full attention, thanks jackass" you say.

"That's because i'm driving y/n" he retorts.

"Oh my god, then hang up, why would you face time me while you're driving".

"I told him not to," you hear as the phone is passed into the hands of a much more welcoming face.

"Morning y/n." You smile at how sweet he is. You watch as Eren peers over looking at you. "Hey, why didn't i get a smile or something, you just called me a jack-."

"Eyes on the road Eren" You interrupt him.

He groans and focuses on the road as you and Armin share a laugh.

"I hope there was a legitimate reason for you waking me up this early" You say rubbing your face and running your hands through your messy hair.

"Yes... The beach" you hear eren say in reply.

"The beach?" "Yes" they both say in unison.

"Why 'the beach' today?" you ask. You receive no reply and you sigh. "Everyone will be there, c'monnnn" Eren whines.

Armin pouts slightly into the camera. "Fineee fine fine." "Also where is Mikassa?"

"Ahhh we're on our way to get her now.... and then you" Eren replies.

"You gave me like no time to get ready dummies, how much time until you're here?" Armin looks at the phone nervously and shrugs , "uh 20 minutes".

You sigh in frustration, "Okay i'll be ready" You say reluctantly. You watch as the two boys smile at your response and you roll your eyes and hang up the phone.

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