we didnt know

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Morgan pov

"look so i know that audrey is planning on running away or moving either one why does she want us to come with her." I said

"Audrey is our friend and i think that it would be a good ldea to get out of chicago."responded melaine

" I have been out of chicago before melaine." i stated.

"Look pablo can come with us to cali and you two can find jobs and audrey already has a place for us to stay." She kept trying to tell me that it would be good if i moved with them to cali.


"What the hell is that......morgan get down." Melaine said i heard the fear in her voice.

When we got up from off the floor we heard police cars, screaming , crying we went outside to see what happen.

But lucky for us it was no one we knew.

After that we told everyone what happened earlier and pablo kept pac ing the floor and deon kept quite.

"We did something dangerous and wrong we.didnt mean to do it , im so sorry morgan." Pablo cried but i didnt know what he was talking about.

"What are you talking about ." I asked shaking like a wet ass dog.

*Flashback earlier that day*

Pablo pov

"Do you think you should be drinking like that." I questioned xavier.

" Dont worry about me okay im fine." He responded.

Even tho i didnt like xavier i cared about his health i mean he was friends with my cousin melaine.

"Man leave him alone i dont care about him why should you pablo." Deon rude ass said.

"Thats right deon fuck you i dont care about you or him so leave me alone." Said xavier.

"Watch out man."random man

"OR what."xavier

"Or i will ruin yo damn life."Random man.

"Lets go." Xavier

Next thing you know xaviwr and some random man is fighting outaide me and deon was just watching them until......


A shot to his chest and this random man just killed xaiver over him bumping into him, for some reason me and deon got mad and beat the man to death.

We got scared so before any one seen xaiver and the mans body we burried them together behind layla old house, i knew i couldnt tell morgan this i knew it...........

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