Luca's Plan

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(Charli and Luca are hanging out in a room. Charli has been acting a bit off lately. She hasn't really been talking as much as she usually do, and Luca wants an answer)

Luca: Hey Charli?
Charli: Yes Luca?
Luca: Are you alright?
Charli: Well what do you mean by that?
Luca: Well it seems like you haven't been the most social person lately. I just wanna check up if you are alright!
Charli: Well I can trust you to keep a secret since you are my closest friend!
Luca: Of course? Best friends always keep secrets no matter how big!
Charli: Well okay! I've just been thinking about this boy in the squad and I don't really know how to confess to him
Luca: Oooh! What's his name! Or who is he because I know every member here..
Charli: It's Light. We've been pretty good friends for a while, and I've started to actually feel a huge connection with him. I've just never had to gut to tell him.

(Luca and Charli sat on the bed thinking of a plan to try to get Charli and Light together. It took a bit for any of those idiots to come up with an idea, but Luca finally came up with a pretty good one!)

Luca: Why Don't you ask what Light likes?
Charli: Well that's dumb, it's because I don't wanna make it obvious, and plus I'm to scared to straight up ask him!
Luca: No like, ask him for like dating or love advice! You guys have been friends for a while, he should be able to help you!
Charli: But Luca, Light has never been on a date, how would he know any dating advice?
Luca: Cmon Charli it's Light, he would answer either way
Charli: I guess that could work. I guess this plan is a go!

What Do YOU Know About Love? (Inquisitormaster Charlight Story) (Charli x Light)Where stories live. Discover now