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1. Follow this account and the founders, chaotic_naturx and YaDramaQueen permanently!

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3. You MUST have Discord. It's a communicating app/site, and it's much easier to talk over there than on Wattpad messages! I mean, you won't really get the community vibe here.

4. You MUST be active regularly, because we have to be able to talk to you. We're completely okay with you taking a break and we'll support you through it! Just tell us in advance. Do not ghost us, unless you really have a very valid reason. Answer our pings!

5. Absolutely no bullying, discrimination or disrespect. You will be kicked out of the community and put on our blacklist, plain and simple.

6. Fill out the form in a single inline comment. Please! We will ask you to refill the form! A single inline comment is the easiest for us to read and manage! We don't want our eyes to fall out and bleed! Password is your Wattpad username written in reverse, for example, if your username is Anusara12 your password will be 21arasunA

7. You can join only two roles maximum. We're a fun community—no work overload!

8. No plagiarism. Puh-lease. We came up with our own ideas. You helped us. Do not steal our ideas to use somewhere else! That's like stealing candy from a donut to give it to a block of mud!

9. Do NOT take screenshots or save other member's messages without their permission! We want to respect everyone's privacy! They'll share it elsewhere if they want to!

10. THIS RULE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SO LISTEN UP LIKE YOU NEVER HAVE BEFORE! Please, for goodness' sake, have fun and make friends!

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