Part 7

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Until he got a new girlfriend. She had kids who were older than you, one was 17, the other 20, 24. Two boys one girl. Today she invited you to her house y/n Kate invited me over ok ? Ok well get dressed oh uhm no I'll stay why because i told you me and her family don't get along well it's not like they hate you no please all I'm asking is to stay home....please no cmon you got dressed and waited on the couch ok let's go on the way there you didn't say a word about them and waited until you got there.once you got in you just said hi to them and for the whole day they ate and watched duke cuddle with her. Soon they started throwing marshmallows and catching them with their mouths, while everyone had fun you couldn't take it anymore and went to the bathroom and let a few tears fall. You fixed yourself and went back in. All you did was laugh and smile while in the inside you were dying and crying. Once it was time to leave you left to the car and waited for him there. He took long leaving you time to let tears fall. Once he got in you tried to stop the tears from falling. On the way back you felt your eyes get watery again. I have to use the bathroom ok we're only 1 minute away ok I have to go you went since and ran straight to your room. You locked the door and broke down into tears on the floor. You hated being there. It was hell. You cried into a pillow and sat on your bed. Duke came and Knocked on your door ok are you done ?....y/n ? Are you ok ? Y-yes I'm fine y/n are you crying ? No w-well yes you couldn't hide it anymore and cried more as he tried to get in open the door please no you couldn't stop it anymore they just rolled down your face non-stop. He finally got in and saw you crying in your bed. You saw him and ran to the bathroom. He got in before you closed the door so you fell to the floor in tears. You sat in a little corner crying. Y/n what's wrong I hate being there why ? Is it something they said ? Did they do something ? No it's just their all blood connected and have siblings. I wish I had a blood sibling. Everyone threw marshmallows around catching them and all I could do was sit there doing nothing because i dong fit in. I wish I was blood connected to you and could have an older sibling. I'm nothing. Even my parents hate me, they left me behind a building. You could never love me like you loved Maddison, she is your real daughter. I wish I could be related to your family. All I am is a stupid thing that was found by a famous tiktoker. I wish I died that day it broke his heart seeing you like this and hearing those words come out your mouth. You felt him hug you and cry a little. Why are you crying because i hate seeing you like this you cried into his chest soaking his shirt. He hated remembering Maddison. I wish I was like Maddison, someone you really live and that's in your family you got up and took a blade and cut your self infront of him y/n no he took it and put it in his pocket why because this won't fix anything, I'll show you more attention no I don't want you to stop doing the things you love for me I love being with you no you sat down watching the blood fall to the floor. He picked you up and placed you on your bed stay here he came back with a bandaid and put it in you there. later you fell asleep on his chest, the whole night he couldn't sleep. He didn't know what to do but soon he fell asleep at 5 am. In the morning you saw him next to you. You got up and saw blood stains on the floor so you cleaned it.

Hours later
Y/n we're going to kates- no- well please let me stay here listen- no please you said putting your hands together with tears in your eyes just listen he said hugging you it'll be different I promise no please please please you said hugging him tighter trust me ok ? Fine you got in the car and soon you arrived at her house. He sat you next to him and had a normal conversation with them. She shot you a dirty look and sat in another chair. You stayed with him until you had to use the bathroom. She followed you and didn't let you in you better sit away from him. I know your trying to steal his attention but remember you aren't even his real daughter you are nothing, if your real parents didn't love you neither will him now- then duke showed up behind her, he noticed the tears in your eyes and knew what happened look Kate I think we should break up No she's fake crying I swear you can't believe her over me she's not even your real daughter yes she is he said pulling you towards him and away from her. you both left with out saying anything and went straight to the car I thought you said she never did anything she never did until now

That's all. This was my whole day today except my mum didn't find out

(Based off true events)

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