Chapter Two

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Edited 10/25/17 (wow my writing was trash three years ago I'm so sorry)

John was silent and still. He felt helpless as his world came crashing down.

"John?" The voices echoed in his head, but he ignored them. His vision became blurry and his knees were weak. His mind began to blank. Where was he? What was happening?

"John!" Sherlock snapped him out of his daze, and he saw where he was. He was in a hospital room... and then he remembered what happened.

"The baby-"

"John I am so sorry." Sherlock said, walking over to his friend. "If there's anything I can do-"

"No," John said, his voice shaking. "There's n-nothing we c-can do." He could barely speak. He looked over at Mary, her face broken and tear stained. She gave the men a broken smile, and whispered, "It was a girl."

That was when John lost it. He engulfed his wife in a hug, and he sobbed. The two of them sobbed, holding one another as tightly as they could.

And Sherlock just watched. He watched John, and he realized-

He hadn't seen John like this since he died.

*two months later*

It was a Wednesday, and John was slowly getting dressed. Mary was yelling at him for something he didn't do, again. Ever since they lost the baby, tension grew between the two. It seemed as if their love began to die along with their daughter.

Can you find us a case? John texted Sherlock frantically as he heard Mary's yells from the kitchen.

They're all boring, not worth my time. -SH

John rolled his eyes.


"John, listen to me!"

Mary? -SH

"I swear to god, John!"


"John Hamish Watson I am talking to you!!"

I guess I can pass the time with one of these cases. Come over. -SH

Without another word, John slipped on his shoes and took his coat off the hanger.

"Excuse me?" Mary's voice called after him as John hurried down the stairs. "Where do you think you're going?" 

"Out." He stated simply, grabbing his keys.

"John, you are not leaving this house."

John opened the door and turned to face her. "Yes I am." And with that, he slipped out and slammed the door behind him, not letting Mary say another word.

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