Kidnapping their lover:Dr1 Boys

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Important-This can involve drugs/drugging, tying up people and small spaces, plz do not read if uncomfortable

-He asks you on a date first

-Then when driving home he goes to his house

-When you notice he knocks you out

-Thanks to baseball he had plenty of bats

-He just clears a room and ties you up in it

-You don't normaly leave the room for "safely" reasons

-You might get boards games or T.V.

-Defo card games

-Forget your phone as well, he would break it at your house

-He will also make you watch the missing reports on news

-He just swipes you off the sidewalk

-He has some chloroform ready to knock you out

-Then he takes you to his room

-He'll tie you to his bed and leave the T.V. on

-He lets you go when he needs too

-He may also have his gang watch you

-He loves cuddles when your in handcuffs

-He will knock you out using a quiet way

-Then tie you up to the stereotypical chair

-He will feed you and let you watch T.V.

-He is very strict on rules and what T.V. you can watch

-He breaks your phone in front of you so you don't try anything

-If you break a rule you get starved

-He makes good food though and you get untied soon

-You just have to listen to his rants to get untied

-He sees you as a angel as well so expect any religious stuff that has angels

-He would just slip a drug into your drink and watch from afar

-Then claim he is your boyfriend and leave

-At "home" he ties your feet down

-He doesn't want to gag or blind you but will of he has too

-If you scream or fight back he panics

-Then just spoils you

-Soon you get your own soundproof room

-A tracker is on you for safety reasons

-Makoto is very sweet no matter what

-He just hires someone too

-He will pay anyone any price for you

-You get your own room and some privacy

-Whenever guest are over you are locked in your room

-If you try to escape you get put in his basement

-He uses ankle chains if he has too

-Your life would be "good" except for the fact he kidnapped you

-He has infinite money for finding you if you ran away

-Kinda clingy overall

-You get spoiled as well

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