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“I’m coming home.”

This time it was Beomgyu's turn to let out a surprised shriek. “For real? Are you really coming? Please don't tell me this is a joke,” his voice was high and held uncertainty and hope. Probably the neighbors had heard him too but who cared.

It was how his hyung was and he loved him just like that.

The endless supply of questions came from him to the point Taehyun had to stop him. “Hyung, you know I am not alone, right? I won’t be able to answer all of your questions. Just wait until I reach home in a few hours- “ he glanced at his watch, “- by dinner time?”

“You’re coming for real?!”


The elder’s happiness knew no bounds. His smile was bright enough to replace a light bulb. Beomgyu felt like he could jump around and so high he’d reach the moon. The love of his life was returning home after months of waiting. How could he not be?

Another loud squeal on the other line and Taehyun had to end the call before his racing heart would explode from the multitude of emotions it experienced in the span of a moment, which he preferred saving for when he met Beomgyu.


With a nervous but excited heart, Taehyun rang the doorbell of his house. After all, being one of the youngest lieutenants in their team had required him longer times of being away from home. It pained him each time he had to bid Beomgyu goodbye- that sole tear that escaped his eyes the moment he’d leave would stab his heart like a dagger.

He’d always keep it in until Taehyun wouldn’t be able to see, yet he saw.
Before he could register the door opening and react, a pair of warm arms wrapped around his shoulders into a tight hug. Not wasting a moment, his arms snaked around the tiny waist of the older boy whose face was hidden on the crook of his neck.

The overwhelming emotions of being home crashed down on him like a cool breeze on a summer day.

It wasn’t until he felt a wet patch forming in his uniform he realized that Beomgyu was crying and the cold wind of the nighttime made him realize the tears that rolled down his own cheeks.

Racing in his chest, his heart threatened to jump out of it at finally being able to meet his lover.

“I missed you.” a muffled sound came from the shaky figure who didn’t seem to wanna let go anytime soon. Taehyun’s hand found a place in the midst of his fluffy locks and gently ruffled them. “Let’s go inside before any of us catch a cold,”

Contrary to his own words, he didn’t move an inch. So they stayed. Stayed in the homes they’d made in each other’s heart, too overwhelmed by the separation. Though, the soldier was waiting for the other male to let go so he could finally see his face.

Finally, they pulled away getting a good look at each other- or trying to; the dimness under the neon lights couldn’t satisfy their longing of wanting to be lost in the other’s eyes. So they walked back inside their house, hands locked with each other.

Beomgyu went in first - it was as if an angel had appeared when the light reflected off of his skin making him glow. The features on his face seemed more prominent, his jawline more defined and his eyes were sharper. 

With each step, his anticipation increased. Those two months of being away- he didn’t realize had gotten to him this much. It seemed like months, everything seemed so different. All the cushions in their rightful places, no wrappers or snacks lying around.
It was oddly clean.

Perhaps the elder noticed the expression on his face. “I stay in the study most of the time. And hey! I do clean up, okay?”
Taehyun let out a little chuckle and looked at Beomgyu who had his arms crossed with a pout.

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