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"You want a groupie?" the question echoed throughout the room, almost bouncing off the three smirk filled faces in front of me

I shrug, rolling my eyes, "I don't know, yeah, I guess,"

"But why?" Calum asks, his laugh cachinatting throghout the smirk filled room

"Because i'm stuck on tour with three sweaty boys and I haven't gotten laid, literally, in months," I groan

"He's horny," Ashton translates, a smirk filling his giggling face,

"I vote no, that's so stupid," Calum says, laughing,

Luke shakes his head at Calum dissapprovingly,

"I've had groupies, I vote yes," he contradicts the other two

"How would I go about finding one?" I ask, inqisitive now due to Luke's comment

The boys exchange glances, "You're Michael from 5SOS," Calum laughs as Ashton nods along with him,

"Don't get me wrong I'm against this, but literally just go out, to the mall even, chat up a girl, ask her to have sex with you, after initiating the intercourse, ask her to be your groupie," Ashton shrugs, twirling his drumsticks around in his hands

Luke nods in agreement, "You're looking for a slut,"

"A slut..." I think

"Yeah, a fuck buddy," Luke confirms

"A fuck buddy..." I repeat, biting my lip, getting excited at the prospect of having someone to fuck whenever I want

The boys nod,

"Lads, I'm going out...be back soon," I wink, getting up and grabing my coat
My eyes skim the crowds of girls, all within groups, chatter filling the air. I bite my lip, not one hundred percent sure what I'm actually looking for, or who I should say. I tried to figure out how exactly I would approach the unusual process. I began walking towards a book shop, why I was unsure of, but my route was etched into my head. A figure caught in the corner of my eye

I turned around, seeing a petite brunete walk out of the bank across the street. Her blank, yet joyous facial expression drew me in to her immediantly, an intrigued feeling spreading across my body. I watch as she walks a little down the street, her long chocolate brown hair flowing behind her, billowing around her face. She purses her lips as she searches through her bag, pulling her phone out and putting it to her ear. I watch as she talks on the phone, continuing to walk. I quickly skip across the street, watching until shes off her phone. I walk around the corner, accidently on purpose bumping into her. I hold her small arms in my hand to prevent her from falling, Her mouth circles into an 'o' a small smile, playing on her lips. Her hair swirls around her face. She looks up at me through long, bambi like lashes, a laugh escaping her lips,

"Oh my God, I am so sorry!" she says, picking up her fallen bag, "I am the definition of clumsy!"

My eyes sparkle with amusment, a chuckle escaping my mouth...



"Colette Browne,"



"Place of birth?"


"Place of residence?"

"New York,"

"Dogs name?"

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