The Country Hunter and The Royal Hybrid (part one)

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*The main 7 and Rainbow Dash's friends are between 12 and 14 years old*

Applejack's P.O.V.

Applejack April Apple blinked open her emerald green eyes as the first rays of dawn filtered through her window. She got out of bed and stretched. Applejack quickly got dressed. She was wearing blue jeans, a red button-up long sleeve shirt, cowboy boots, and a brown Stetson. Her golden blond hair was in its usual low ponytail. Applejack walked downstairs and joined her family at the table for their Saturday family breakfast. They all ate their measly meal while talking quietly. After breakfast, Applejack went outside to start her chores. Applejack and her family lived on Sweet Apple Acres, which was an apple farm on the edge of the kingdom of Canterlot. The farm had recently been hit with a sudden disease, killing most of the orchard and other crops. Their family barely managed to survive the fall, but now that it was winter, they might starve, or worse, be forced to sell the only home they've ever known. Applejack dragged herself out of her thoughts and focused completely on her chores.

*Time Skip*

Applejack yawned as she got ready for bed. She and her family had shared a small dinner after all the farm chores had been finished, and Applejack completed her weekend homework. AJ collapsed on her bed and soon fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

??? P.O.V.

The girl ran her multicolored hair flying behind her. She could hear the hunters behind her. Why didn't she listen to her parents when they said it was too dangerous for a mythic creature like her to be out on her own? She had been tired of being caged in, and most people didn't know who she was. She had also been taught how to defend herself. How was she supposed to become the Queen of Canterlot if she didn't fully understand exactly what her subjects were going through or get to meet other people who weren't royals? She snuck out of the castle and ran. She had survived almost three weeks on her own before she was found by the hunters. The hunters had figured out that she was a mythical creature and were now chasing her through the woods. The girl dodged anything in her way and was thankful that she could see in the dark. She glanced over her shoulder to see how far the hunters were behind her. They were out of sight, but they would catch up to her soon if she didn't find a way to get them off her tail. The girl returned her gazed to area in front of her. She was able to identify that the trees she was now running past were apple trees, but her night vision couldn't help her with what happened next. She failed to notice the glint of a metal object hidden in the grass, and the next thing she knew there was a loud clang and white hot agony shot through her ankle as she let out a bloodcurdling scream and collapsed on the ground.

Applejack's P.O.V.

Applejack sat bolt upright when she heard a bloodcurdling scream. She got to her feet and, noticing a light on downstairs, went to the living room. She noticed the rest of her family gathered in the living room. "Did y'all hear that scream?" asked Applejack. "Eeyup," said her older brother Big Macintosh. "Let's go investigate," said her mother, Pear Butter. Applejack, her parents, and her older brother all put on shoes and grabbed flashlights. They went outside to investigate the noise, leaving Granny Smith and Applebloom inside.

Applejack walked cautiously through the orchard, looking for the source of the scream. Hearing noises, she turned off her flashlight and listened. "I think she went this way, judging from the scream. If we're lucky she won't be able to run, and then we'll drug her, take her to Lucy's place, and have a little fun with her," she heard a man's voice say. "But let's take her to the basement, I don't want to have to get blood out of my carpets again, and we won't have to worry about anyone complaining about her screaming," said a girl's voice. Then Applejack heard four people laughing. "Ah have to find her before they do," whispered Applejack. That's when she heard a quiet whimpering noise. Applejack carefully made her way towards the whimpering and was able to make out the form of a young girl lying on the ground. Applejack pulled out her phone and used the flashlight on it instead of the really bright one she was using earlier. The girl looked at her with pain and fear filled eyes. With the little bit of extra light, Applejack noticed the girl's right leg had gotten caught in a bear trap. Applejack felt anger rise up inside her because someone had placed traps on her family's land, and she had a sneaky suspicion that it was the Flimflam brothers who put it there. Pushing her anger aside, Applejack knelt next to the trap. When she went to try to get a better look at the trap, the girl whimpered and tried to move away from her. "Hey, it's okay Ah'm not goin' t' hurt ya. Ah'm trying t' help ya, but Ah need ya t' cooperate with me. Okay?" said Applejack quietly and gently. AJ could tell that the girl still didn't trust her, but she was able to get a better look at the trap. "There's no point in trying to get it open. It's made of enchanted titanium and is designed to trap creatures like me. Normal animals and humans can step in it without springing the trap, but if it senses even the smallest trace of magic it closes around whatever is stepping in the trap, and can't be moved until it's opened. Only the touch of a hunter can open the trap, and I'm most likely dead if that happens," said the girl quietly, "you'd be better off just leaving me here. If the hunters find you here trying to help me, then they'll kill you too." "Ah am not leaving you here. Ah, don't care what you are. You are a living creature, and you shouldn't have to be scared and hunted just because you're different," said Applejack. "Do you really mean that?" the girl asked softly. "Yes Ah do. Now, what exactly happened that caused you to get caught in this trap?" asked Applejack, keeping her voice low so she didn't give away their location. "I was running from a group of hunters and didn't see the trap until after I stepped in it," said the girl. "Is your ankle alright?" asked Applejack after glancing over her shoulder to check on the group of people looking for the trapped girl. "It hurts, but if I survive the night and somehow manage to get out of this trap, it will heal in a couple of days," said the girl. Just to be sure that the girl was okay, Applejack examined her ankle. While inspecting the girl's ankle, AJ's hand brushed against the trap, and the trap opened on its own. Applejack gasped and jerked her hand away. "Ah thought you said only a hunter can open the trap," said Applejack. "We can discuss this later," said the girl, struggling to her feet, "let's get out of here." "What about your ankle?" asked Applejack. "It'll just take a little longer to heal, but I can run for now," said the girl. "Okay, follow me," said Applejack, bursting into a run, the girl following close behind. They heard the group of hunters shout and give chase. As the two girls ran through the orchard, Applejack pulled out her phone and called her mother. "Hello," came her mother's voice over the phone. "Hi Mom can ya get everyone t' the house, and get ready to initiate the lockdown as soon as me and the girl Ah just rescued from a mythic trap get there," said Applejack as she ran glancing over to make sure the girl was still with her. "Yes, of course. Be careful, AJ," said Pear Butter before hanging up the phone. "Come on, we're almost there," said Applejack as they burst out of the trees and headed to the farmhouse that was now in sight. Applejack saw her parents and her brother dart inside the house. Applejack and the girl ran through the door of the house, and then her mother slammed her hand down on the button to start the lockdown sequence. Bulletproof metal slid down over the windows, and the metal bulletproof doors closed and locked. "Is everyone okay?" asked Pear Butter. "She has an injured ankle," said Applejack, pointing at the girl she had rescued, "but otherwise we're fine." "We'll have t' wait until after the hunters leave t' lift the lockdown," said her father Bright Macintosh as they all headed to the living room. "Can someone care t' tell us what's goin' on?" demanded AJ's little sister Applebloom. Applejack's grandmother, Granny Smith, who was sitting in her rocking chair, was the first of the two who were left behind to notice the girl Applejack had rescued. "Who is she, and what was she doin' in out and about in the middle of the night?" asked Granny Smith. The girl hesitated before finally saying, "I don't want to talk about it." "It's alright. You don't have t' tell us anything right now," said Pear Butter. "How 'bout we get you cleaned up, and then we can all go t' sleep, and we can talk tomorrow if you want t'," suggested Applejack. "Okay," said the girl. "That sounds great. See y'all in the mornin'," said Pear Butter.

Applejack led the girl to her room. She grabbed a set of pajamas and handed them to the girl. Then AJ led the girl to her bathroom. "Do ya want a shower or a bath?" asked Applejack. "A bath would probably be better for my ankle," said the girl as she set the clothes on the counter. Applejack went over and started filling the tub. "Are ya okay on your own, or do you need help?" asked Applejack. "I think I could use a little help," the girls said, looking at the ground. Applejack moved closer and helped the girl undress, and then helped her into the tub. She helped her wash herself and then let her relax in the water while she grabbed a towel for her to use. Applejack pulled the plug so the water could drain from the tub before helping the girl out off the tub. She helped the girl dry off and get dressed. They went into Applejack's room. "You can have the bed; Ah'll sleep on the window seat," said Applejack as she grabbed a pillow and a blanket. "Are you sure? It is your room after all," said the girl. "Yeah, and you're the guest so you can sleep on the bed," said Applejack as she put the pillow and blanket on the window seat. "Okay, goodnight," said the girl as she pulled the covers over herself. "Night," said Applejack. The two soon fell into a deep sleep.

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