chapter 11

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By Monday morning, news of their relationship had spread throughout the castle. When it came time for Ancient Runes with Draco and Theo, she'd already received such a mixed bag of reactions ranging from glares to whispers to discomfiting looks of envy and awe that she was ready to call it a day and retreat to the privacy of her bedroom and it wasn't even three o'clock. At least there had been no outright comments to her face, or—she shuddered—howlers. Thank Merlin.

The only other saving grace she'd been afforded was that Harry and Ron were getting their first taste of adventure as aurors, currently undercover on a mission to round up remaining Death Eaters who'd fled Britain. Rather soon for field work, but in his last letter Ron had written no guts, no glory.

Word of her relationship might've spread through the castle, but at least it hadn't reached them. She wanted to be the one to let them know, she just hadn't figured out how, or when.

Draco and Theo were already sitting at their shared table when she collapsed into her seat between them with a huff.

"Long day?" Theo asked.

He'd been in a better mood on Sunday, his flying session having apparently given him the time and space to work through that which had been bothering him. But she still wanted to talk, to let it be known in no uncertain terms that he didn't need to be afraid of everything crashing and burning if he failed to get along perfectly with her friends from the word go.

She stretched her arms out in front of her and yawned. "The longest."

Draco rested his leg against hers, hooking his foot around her ankle. "Did you want to cancel our meeting tonight?"

When it was the part of the day she looked forward to the most? Their group meetings obviously revolved around their runes project, but they were also her guaranteed time with them. "No. I'm fine, really. I skived off lunch, and that probably isn't helping my energy."

Draco reached into his bag and withdrew an apple. "To tide you over, then."

"Thank you." She smiled, fingers brushing against his and lingering as she took the proffered fruit.

Draco nodded, his eyes bright and smile fond.

Theo nudged her lightly. "If you don't want to skip our meeting, would you rather have it somewhere more private? Our room?"

"That's a brilliant idea." She paused, brow rising. "As long as we actually get our work done."

As long as they got their work done first.

Theo shot her a saucy grin that said he knew exactly what she was thinking. "Obviously."


True to Theo's word, they did accomplish their work, but the look in his eye that had promised a reward for finishing early? Well, she was honestly too knackered after the day she'd had. Instead of anything debauched happening, she was curled up in bed, her head pillowed on Draco's chest and her fingers drawing runic patterns on his stomach while Theo lounged, propped against the footboard.

"I almost forgot," she started. "The other day in Hogsmeade, Luna called us a coetus fidelium. I understand the translation, but I've never heard it before."

Draco shifted slightly beneath her. "It's an old term. Not so frequently used anymore."

"A designation of sorts," Theo added.

"What sort of designation?" she asked.

Draco cleared his throat. "A designation of one's relationship. It puts a finer point on...this. What we are."

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