{ nine }

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"Technoblade." She said as i approached her in the smaller building, further away from the kingdom than i had anticipated. She wore a purple coloured dress that stopped at her shins.

"May i ask what we're doing out here, Princess?" I asked, closing the door behind us. The building was almost as big as my house with two beds in the corner. A small kitchen as well as two bathrooms on opposing ends of the home.

"Please don't call me princess, it's far too formal. I have made a plan with Sam and my brother Connor. Techno, you and I will be staying here for the next week, if that is alright with you. I will train you to be a better acting servant, while you train me in combat." She said, turning to face me. "Is that alright with you, techno?"

"I suppose, though i have no clothes nor things to spar you with."

"Ranboo will be bringing us food on the daily. He has been assigned to protect your family until we return so he will be residing in your home, if that is okay with your family. He will pack you everything you deem necessary with help from your brothers and Phil." She said, a smile playing on her lips.

"Alright, that works. If you don't mind me asking, why me?"

"Well, i need to get to know you better on a more one on one basis. You're closed off, a mystery if you will."

"As are you, Arcane."

"You've figured out the meaning of my name, i see."

"Ive known it since i met you. Suits you well, might i add. You don't seem to fit the role you play so effortlessly."

"Only you would see that, wouldn't you?" She questioned, sitting on the bed. It creaked under her weight and she winced slightly.

"Im not the best house mate, just a little input." I said, leaning back against the wall as i tied my hair into a ponytail.

"Im sure you're a fine guest, Technoblade." She replied. I smiled softly at her. We conversed softly about little things before Ranboo entered. He had food in one hand and a small bag in another.

"He actually agreed? Who'd wanna stay with you for a week?" Ranboo joked, throwing the bag at me. He set the food out on the counter as Arcane's jaw slacked in shock.

"You asshole. You take that back!" Arcane shouted.

"Never." Ranboo joked. It was nice to see Arcane let loose as well as Ranboo. Arcane walked up to the taller and nudged him softly.

"So Techno, is it alright if i stay in your room for the time being? If not that's alright, i would never want to intrude."

"Uh, i mean i guess so. Just don't go through it and tell my brother's you're staying on the couch, they're not allowed to step foot in my room so they'd murder me on sight if they knew."

"Makes sense, thank you." He responsed. I nodded and laid back on the bed.

I knew that week would be eventful, and it was.

The first night was a bit awkward as neither of us had done this before. She taught me how to cook properly and i showed her the proper way to hold a sword in combat. You wouldn't believe her lack of knowledge, man.

The second night was a lot more comfortable on her part. We both showered and she braided my hair as to ease some of my tension. She braided quite well as her fingers were much smaller than Will's man hands. We focused on her training more than mine. I had to rework her brain as everything Dream taught her would only hold up her end so much in a battle. He was careless, so his teaching was just as careless. I showed her how to properly swing her weapon to effectively damage her opponent. You know what i'm talking about.

The third night i was starting to open up, something i'd not done in years. This was a step towards a closer friendship with her. She showed me more tactical ways to get my tasks done quicker so we had a bit more free time within the kingdom.

The fourth night was eventful. We traveled to a faraway village. She woke me up at the crack of dawn and dragged me to the village. Apparently she had a younger brother who lived here and i met him. His name was Grayson, he was rather amusing and entertaining. You'd like him, man.

Anyway, the fifth night or day or whatever we just talked. We literally talked all day. I rambled about everyone and everything as did she. It was relaxing to know someone was listening and actually hearing me. She cared, it felt relieving.

The sixth night was...eventful to say the least. We chased one another around for a little while. We talked. We ate various foods, provided by Ranboo. That night we watched the stars and pointed out constellations we knew.

The seventh and final night we just relaxed and took in the others presence. To say i regretted any decision made would be a full blown lie. The consequences i had gotten because of it were outrageous, but i don't regret it.

Now don't fret, i have more detail on each night and it's specificity. For now it's just an overview.

Signed, T & A || Technoblade Where stories live. Discover now