Chapter 6 (New Beginnings)

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The L.E.A.S.F. building loomed in front of him like a giant ready to pound its prey and grind the bones to make the it's bread. The tall marble complex was one of the few buildings in the forest with a lot of electricity.

The doors slid open to reveal the same woman at the desk. Her head was buried in the same book she was reading before. It didn't seem like she got that far.

"Excuse me," He said, "My name is Seth Lupus, I am here for my first day. Can you please give me the room papers."

"Yes of course," The woman said, rummaging through the drawers of her immense desk, "Ah, here it is." She handed him the paper. He began to read it.

"Room 5698 of the 10th floor, dearie." She said. Seth didn't like the way she said dearie, but he continued on. He walked straight to the elevator and pressed the button.

The door opened. He stepped aside to allow an owl shifter to pass before he boarded the car. The elevator car had a giant panel of buttons. he needed to go to floor 10 out of 96. Sheesh.

He knew that the floors 2 and 3 were dedicated to trainees, 4-9 and 15-48 were the juniors, but what was from floor 49-96. Hmm, questions.

The doors opened to reveal... guess. More. Marble. Hallways. No surprise there. he ran down the hallway.

27, 29, 31, 33, He thought, Ugh, this is going to be a long day.

He walked up to a door marked 10-5698. Floor dash room number. Classic. There was no door knob.

How do they expect me to get in? He thought. he looked down at his room papers. A note was written on the side.

Take it easy today, tomorrow will have work. Thank you for being our first successful member to pass two ranks.

The L.E.A.S.F. Board of Directors

He somehow new what he had to do. He walked up to the door to a small hole that was placed where there might have been a peep hole.

He cupped his hands and said, "The First Success."

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