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Pisces: HATE work and having to do school -- most likely just want to relax and hang out with friends -- they want to seem cool and smart at the same time

Aries: really cool people and they have a lot of humor, just don't poke them the wrong way; they get angry and petty over small things

Taurus: very chill and laid back but will get in your face about things they want to know more about

Gemini: really two faced- can be happy and sad one minute than the next and very very moody but the men are red flag material

Cancer: extroverted, has many friends, needs to socialize, needs attention, then needs a week to themselves because too much social interaction

Leo: so gentle and kind one of the nicest people I've met, sets the future for themselves and hold up to high expectations but the men are trash

Virgo: oh don't even get me started on you people -- so dramatic about everything
you'll explode if someone doesn't do what you want or understand what you want
you try to seem cool and interesting but you need to get back to your nature roots

Libra: personal experience- manipulative asf and doesn't feel bad EVER and only makes themselves out to be on top no one else matters in this case
can't ever make a decision on your own and always needs to try to be "unique" toxic

Scorpio: quiet and keeps things to themselves but likes an occasional interaction
has some strong views but is mostly kept to themselves

Sagittarius: crack headed energy when they feel like it, but gets deep depression episodes and feels run downs sometimes but can be nice people just catching them at the right moment and not getting them upset is a challenge

Capricorn: quirky that's all I'm going to say- almost two faced and they seem to be sweet and innocent but they have an alternate motive

Aquarius: I just met one and they are so cute and happy, but they have serious episodes of self doubt and how to see their future but they are very sweet and just vibe well

(these are my personal experiences so- no offense)

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