the 'formal' introduction

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"So thats why you had them set those up?" I heard a girl ask "yes" was all mike said.
I turned around and saw everyone looking at me "guess its time to tell you who i am" i said "im guessing some of you may have heard about me from harry?" They was a chorus of 'yes' or just nodding "but those who havent im Alexander-Haley Jamie Shawn Reeves dont use my full name or instead of a punching bag it'll be your face or you in general im ryans twin sister" i said the last part pointing to ryan who waved (he was stood next to you now with an arm around your shoulder) "i was raised as a boy so i wont be talking about 'girly' things and try get me in a skirt or dress youre dead" i said with my usual smirk. I then got an idea "Har? What's your idea?" Harry asked.I looked at him and my smirk grew. "You remember in thissel house" (random name dont know if it exists) I asked harry "yeah" he said starting to smile "you wanna?" I asked. He looked at ryan silently asking if he could. "Fine but be back soon ye ill unpack for ya" ryan said aiming the last part at me "thanks and be careful ye i got special stuff in there" he nodded and gave a light smile before going over and whispering something to harry who nodded "thank you ryan" was the last thing we said before harry was on my back and we were in the woods

So please people tell me in you guys want more or want anything to change and who endgame should be and what residant in the dumping ground should be our second bestfriend
P.s:thats what you look like with red tips on your hair

Ryan Reeves twin sister [the dumping ground fanfic]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن