Monster Slayer

11 1 0

You wake up screaming

in the middle of the night.

Just a bad dream, you pray

Just a bad dream, i swear

My nephew is irritated

He sleeps in our bed despite already being eleven, eleven 

and a half he reminds us.

He tells you to stop this

To master your fear

Or he will go into the night

And slay whatever monster you are afraid of

Bring you it's head

So you never have to scream again.

He doesn't yet know

That this monster

Takes the shape of a person

And it ripped you open

Tore you apart

And thought you were pretty when you cried.

You whispered all of this to me in the dark

And that's where it will stay

Not to be seen

By anyone you don't show

I promised

So my nephew doesn't yet know

How awful people can be

And you and I won't tell him

Not before he has to know.

But my nephew grew up

And saw what monsters really look like.

He also learnt how to hunt them

First his own

And then he went after yours

And, in a cardboard box,

he brought you

Your monsters head.

We buried it in the yard,

Under our neighbours dead cat

Lest any sniffing dogs come around.

And we've never slept better. 

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