No More Boys Will Be Boys

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I am only a little archive witch 

Filing old Grimoires and organising records 

I cannot move mountains 

Or cast cast illusions 

But what little magic I do have 

I will use tonight 

I will use it to cast a protection charm 

On all the women 

Who are out with their covens 

Laughing and drinking and dancing 

All this charm does is draw the attention of Lady Luck 

To keep all my sisters safe 

From the shape shifters and tricksters 

That are all out hunting tonight 

These are the men who know 

How to look like what they are not 

The men who do slight of hands 

As they slip love potions into drinks 

If I could

I would curse these incubi 

Banish them 

To the worst circle of hell

However my particular pact with the devil 

Leaves me only capable of jinxes 

That I cast spitefully but quietly 

Every door pushed needs to be pulled open

Little invisible stones in shoes 

Forgetting wallets 

And loosing car keys 

I also pray that stronger witches than me 

Come along 

The witches who will summon vengeful demons 

Witches who will cast boils and blood 

Witches who can cast unbreakable spells 

Of retribution 

Re-balance the distribution 

Of power

So we no longer have to play prey 

To this predatory behaviour 

No more boys will be boys 

Cited every time a sister is devoured 

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