He's Officially Drowned

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He started to say something before I cut him off. "What are you doing here again and in broad daylight?" I asked panic laceing my voice and he pointed to the tub.

"I came to help you." He muttered and grabbed my shirt and picked me up and slammed me into the water almost knocking me out because of the pain I wasn't used to feeling.

I punched and kicked at him trying to get out but to no avail since his grip like being tied up and cement blocks dragging you down. His eyes were filled with sorrow and a strange fear and I felt my eyes start burning as they flicked around the porcelain tub.

I looked back up and BEN was replaced by Tyler and I felt hatred. My blood boiled and my lungs burnt now from lack of air. I kicked straight up and surprisingly connected with his face sending him stumbling back. I pulled myself up for air and was slammed back down by Tyler and tears pricked my eyes as I faded into unconsciousness.
Everything is black nothing has color and it reeks like rotten fish. I looked around and saw Slenderman, Toby, and BEN on one side and Tyler, Reneè, and mommy on the other. Both sides beckoning me to come with them, I felt fear and hatred towards Tyler and ran towards BEN and fell back slowly feeling electricity flow through me and I fell back hitting my head and, I woke up and everything was different I was under an ocean it felt like and I tried to swim up but couldn't. I looked down and saw a Manatee under me and an iron connected to two chains which lead up to my ankles.

Everything around me moved in a glitching pattern and I felt myself float up and I was carried to the beach and my face dragged across the sand. It cut me slightly and I panicked and looked around and saw a boy he was wearing a lot of blue and black his hair was brown underneath his hat and his eyes were blue and filled with worry.

"Help me..." I panted and threw up whatever water was only lungs and he ran over and helped me up throwing his bag to the side and lead me to a building with the letters P.C. on the front and side and a woman with pink hair and a fake smile stood there.

"I found him at the water's edge, he drifted up after the recent storm." The boy said and lead ne to her and she hissed and he backed up.

"Get this creature away from me!" She screamed and walked away.

"But he needs help!"

"I don't care Black we don't have enough space for him!" She cried and glared at him and I felt lightheaded all the sudden and fell forward.

I woke up again but this time I was cold and in the same tub which was filled with blood and my... Body! But I'm sitting up right here! I looked around and the power went off. I stood up and floated downstairs and saw Tyler and Reneè in front of the tv.

It was still on and I saw BEN there... he was playing with them.

I floated towards them and they both turned with huge fearful eyes and sputtered some insanity.

I heard cracking and turned only to see a bolt of electricity and my body colliding with myself and we combined again but I was still cold.

The room already dark grew even darker and I loosed up to see them both illuminated by blue light. Their faces were contorted in fear and I turned and floated away only to collide with BEN again.

"You have to kill them now you're dead and you don't want to end up in the NetherWorld with your uncle Zalgo." He said and pushed me back into he room and I shrugged.

Two shrieks followed my return and then gurgling. I turned and saw they had stabbed themselves with knives. I stuck my hand against Tyler's cut and my hand was stained in his blood I wrote two words on the tv and moved into the kitchen and mom sighed.

"BEN you little shit show yourself!" She screamed and BEN appeared next to me and his arm wrapped around my waist.

"Yes?" He asked sarcasticly.

"I know you gave Ryder an age excelerant... I was happy I got to spend a couple years with him but you had to-" Her voice started getting on my nerves and she caught on fire before my eyes and BEN laughed as she cried in pain. Her body consumed in flames and her screams terrified me and I looked to BEN who messed up my hair which still held its silver color and had an Orange glow now.

"Let's go meet your father now shall we?" He asked and I shook ny head and he shrugged leaving the house and I followed, it setting fire as I left it.

He lead me to a mansion where Slenderman stood waiting with open arms for me... I don't know what to do...

He sighed and opened the front door with one of his appendages and I followed BEN inside. As soon as I entered I heard a siren and I ran towards it only to see a tv and Toby sitting on the couch twitching occasionally. I sat on the floor until I saw my house in cinders on the screen. They really didn't say anything about it but one of Tyler's friends appears in screen.

"It's very unfortunate really Tyler and Reneè were both very calm and happy they fit into this peaceful little town. Their mother, Emily, was always smiling and watching out for them and their little brother." He said tears rolling down his green eyes.

"Little brother? Please tell us about him..." The reported pried and he nodded.

"The boy, Ryder, was a very reserved kid from what I understand, he was raised in a very protective manor. From what I understand he couldn't even go outside unless his mother was with him. Ryder would always be cheerful and happy when someone would drop by and he would talk very happily to them. He would always bring up things I never really knew... Like this one time he told me that his sister had a crush on me and I just laughed at him but I believed him... I wasn't really sure how to feel about it..." He sniffed and looked away from the camera.

"We only found three bodies in the house each about 17 years or older where do you think Ryder could have gone?"

"I don't know he's not very familiar with town or anything along those lines but he did know where I lived along with one of Reneè's friends, Kali I think is her name. He might have gotten away before the fire started."

"Two of the bodies had slit throats and the other was chocked to death by a telephone wire before being burned do you think that means foul play?"

"Yes the family didn't really have any enemy's though my parents and Kali's really didn't like Tyler's mother very much they could tolerate her and wouldn't ever kill the entire family especially Tyler and Ryder they adored them both."

"Do you think maybe the suspect kidnapped Ryder before setting the house ablaze then?" He nodded.

"Definantly the boy was very adorable and innocent of there is anyone in this town that would kidnap him they'd have to be a pervert or a pedophile." I cringed at the though for a second before looking away and seeing BEN staring at me.

"What?" I questioned and he shrugged.

"Never watch the news before?" I shook my head and he sighed. "Then later we'll watch some movies or something." I couldn't help but smile and hug him he was literally amazing. "What all have you done?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I've never even to school I've never played a videogame despite having the means to play one and I've never watched anything that isn't a cartoon." I said and his jaw dropped.

"You're coming with me to play a game." He said dragging me along and I tried to catch up but he wad moving so quickly it was kinda hard.

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