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Heartbroken. That was what y/n was. Heartbroken that her boyfriend and the love of her life was gone. Heartbroken that she never got to say goodbye. Heartbroken that they never got to watch the sunset at Safe Haven. And heartbroken that the last memory that she had of her Newt was saying "I love you." over the radio. 

It had been a few months, and the Safe Haven was becoming a home. But y/n and the remaining Gladers wanted to see the Glade one last time before settling down. So one afternoon, they snuck onto the Berg, and did just that. 

When they arrived, they were thankful to see that some of the buildings were still there. When they landed, they all agreed to meet back in an hour. The first thing that y/n did was run to the Deadheads and find the tree. Not just any tree. Their tree. Her and Newts. About  a month into their relationship, they had carved their names into its trunk. When y/n found it, she let out a breath of relief. There it was, same as it was the last time she saw it. Y/n put her hand over the names for a moment and then walked off.

The next thing she did was go to her and Newt's old room in the Homestead and look under the floorboard for something. That something was a bracelet that Newt had made y/n. When the Griever's attacked, she didn't have time to retrieve it. She put it on, and headed back to the Berg. There she saw Thomas, Gally, Frypan, and Minho waiting for her. They spent the long journey home in silence.

When they got back to the Safe Haven, they were yelled at by Jorge, but when he saw their sad and tired faces, he let it go. The group all walked away and spent the rest of the day alone, remembering all the memories they made in The Glade. Y/n spent that time silently crying over her lost love. IDK HOW TO END THIS. LOL


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2021 ⏰

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