Entrance Exam Arc: Chapter 4

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"You alright?" Izuku asked as he would lift off the rubble off of her easily.

"Y-yeah...I'm okay." She smiled nervously.

Izuku would then carry the girl in his arms, as he looked into her eyes. She began to blush, as she also looked into his eyes. 

"AND...THAT'S IT! TIME'S UP!" Present Mic shouted, as the timer for the Entrance Exam ended. 

The students began to murmur about Izuku's strength. They couldn't believe his strength, but his appearance said it all. His shirt was half ripped, allowing the crowd to see his abs, it was easily a 10-pack at least. 

"They're all missing the point. Don't they see what he did?" The same blue-haired boy questioned in his mind. 

"He sacrificed everything. Just to save that girl. He must have known how little time he had left, how many points he needed to pass the exam, that he may have put his life on the line but despite those concerns, he didn't hesitate to jump." The boy continued to speak in his mind and would ball his hand into a fist, as his whole body was shaking. He was ashamed. 

"If this hadn't been an exam...Then, of course, I would have done the same thing! Wait...the exam...The judges...They saw what he did." The boy questioned again. 

The examinees began turning around, seeing a mysterious older lady walk forward.

"Very nice, good work all around. You're heroes in my eyes, every one of you. Here, reward yourselves. Have some gummies." The older lady would then give a boy some gummies.

"Oh, uh...thanks." The boy responded.

"Yes, yes. Don't eat them all at once, alright?" The older lady said.

"Right..." The boy nodded.

Another boy would then speak out, "That mademoiselle. She's the heart of UA." Some examinees looked toward the boy. The boy had a slim build with a feminine face. He had long blond hair, worn flattened down around the majority of his head, spiked and sticking out to the sides at the bottom of it, with a side fringe that curves upwards a little before it does down. He also has notably long eyelashes and bright indigo eyes, giving him the appearance of a young prince.

The older lady walked toward Izuku and the girl he had in his arms. 

"U-umm, I'm sorry for staring!" The girl said as she turned her head to face the other way, she was obviously blushing. 

"Ah, I see what's going on. She's attracted to me." Izuku said in his mind, as he then noticed the older lady walking over. 

"Wait, you're...the Youthful Heroine: Recovery Girl." Izuku said, as he also took notes about Recovery Girl in his notebook. 

"Ah, you know my hero name, sonny?" Recovery Girl then noticed the girl Izuku was holding. 

Izuku then turned his attention back to the girl he was holding. "She has an injured ankle. Probably due to the rubble that she was under." Izuku said.

Izuku then would softly put the girl on the ground so Recovery Girl could do her work. 

"Huh?" The girl on the ground was confused as Recovery Girl then would extend her lips.

"Gimme some sugar!" Recovery Girl then kissed the girl's face and began to heal the girl's wounds. 

"Uh, what's she doing?" An examinee asked. 

"You're watching a school nurse in action. Her Quirk is an awesome boost of healing power. She's the only reason UA can hold these reckless exams. Look, she's saving her weeks, maybe even months of recovery time.

The girl's ankle was healed in a matter of seconds. The girl was in awe at the use of Recovery Girl's abilities. 

"Alright, she'll be fine now. Anyone else injured?" Recovery Girl asked.

"I wonder...What if the exams have other parameters that we, as the examinees don't know about?" The blue-haired boy questioned, as he gasped and looked back at Izuku. Izuku then looked back at the blue-haired boy in response, having a confused look on his face.

"Why's he looking at me like that?" Izuku questioned in his mind, then turned to face Recovery Girl. 

"It's possible..." The boy determined.

One week later...

"Uh, Izuku?" A woman asked. 

"Izuku...why are you staring at that fish like that? Should I be worried?" The woman asked again.

"Oh, no. I'm sorry mom. I just spaced out for a minute." Izuku said, reassuring his mother. 

Izuku then sat on the couch. He then had a determined look on his face. 

"Okay, so I barely passed the written part of the exam. I got 35/50 correct. Most of it was about heroic activities and the like since I want to join the Hero Course. Not that it really matters at the moment. What I'm worried about is the practical exam. I don't know how many villain points I got, but I thrashed at least half of the robots in the city alone. If the examinees, especially people who passed find out, they may suspect what my Quirk is. The teachers along with any other Pro Heroes associated with the school may realize how powerful I am, which I don't want at the moment since that still connects to my main issue. I'm still Quirkless, meaning that if someone was to check if I have a Quirk Factor, they wouldn't find anything, not that anyone would even check for it regardless..." Izuku sighed, thinking about all the possibilities. 

"I know, waiting for the results is terrible." His mom reassured him. 

"Yeah, I guess..." Izuku responded.

"No matter what, I just want you to know how proud I am of you. Despite being Quirkless, you still tried the Entrance Exam which many people don't do. I think you're really cool." His mom continued to reassure him, seeing that Izuku seemed to be down for some reason. 

"Thanks, mom." Izuku seemed to be cheered up, as he smiled back at her.

"I absolutely cannot tell my mom about Saitama or my powers. It's not even a Quirk. It could put her in danger. And if this secret were to get out, it would question if Otherworlders exist if Quirks exist. Saitama trusted me with his power, despite being from out of this world and his powers that he could have kept to only himself. I have to keep my mouth shut, no matter what happens." Izuku then went back to his room, walking after he finished his dinner within a second. 

"Saitama. I swear, I will get even stronger. You saw potential in me, something that no one else did. This is my starting line. I'll keep trying, as your successor and maybe even your friend." Izuku smiled, shedding a tear. 

His mom rushed inside his room. "A letter, Izuku! They came, Izuku! Look! You got a letter!" His mom was practically speaking in hyperspeed. "They're here! Your test results from UA!" Izuku looked at the letter then took it.

Izuku then walked inside his room. His mom impatiently waiting for his results outside of his room. Izuku then turned off the lights and sat down. He took a deep breath. Izuku ripped the letter apart in a second, then snatched what was inside of it. He then looked at the device, as it suddenly activated. Izuku put the device down on his desk. 

"Booya! I am here as a projection now!" All Might suddenly appeared as a projection from the device.

"Wait, All Might?!" Izuku quietly exclaimed, as he then paid attention. 

"I know it's been a while, but with great power, comes a great amount of paperwork. The truth is, I didn't come to this city just to fight villains. You're looking at the newest UA faculty member!" All Might exclaimed.

"Wow! All Might's working at UA? That was a surprise!" Izuku smiled and continued to listen in.

"Huh? Yes, what's the matter? Who's showboating?! Oh, sorry. I'll wrap it up. Wait, I have to do how many of these things?" All Might sighed. "Alright, moving on."

"You passed the written exam and got lots of villain points for your practical exam. But before you go, look! Something that you may be interested in!" All Might turned on a TV in the background.

"Oh wait, it's that girl." Izuku noticed the same features from the girl from a week ago.

"Uh, hey. Do you have a sec? Sorry to interrupt. Do you know that boy with the green and white hair and all the freckles? His face is very...uh...handsome...and he's muscular. He's the one who took down the 0 Pointer and saved my life. I was wondering....would it be possible to give him some of the points I earned in the exam? I noticed that when the exam started, he was gone. I thought he left the exam due to how nervous and scared he was, but he suddenly appeared just to save my life. How could someone who took down that huge robot all by himself not have any points in the end? I have to make it up to him. Please, sir. Can you please at least give him some of my points?" The TV stopped. 

"You may have a strong Quirk, but it's your actions that inspire others. You see, the practical exam was not graded on combat alone. You may have a lot of villain points, but that alone does not define you as a hero!" All Might said as he started up the TV again.

"Thanks for showing up to the station with your request." Present Mic stated.

"But there's no reason to give him your points." Present Mic would pat the girl's head in response.

"The kid's chartin' well on his own. He got lots of villain points, the highest in the entire school since it was founded. Don't worry, you'll see him in U.A." The TV screen turned off.

"Izuku Midoriya, not only did you get the largest amount of villain points since the school was created, but you also got the largest amount of rescue points that anyone got in the Entrance Exam. You got 500 villain points AND 60 rescue points! Ochaco Uraraka, 28 villain points, AND 45 rescue points! You both passed the exam. You passed with flying colors. You came first place in the U.A. Entrance Exam!" All Might said, proudly looking at the screen.

Izuku began tearing up. "Is...is this some kind of joke?" Izuku then wiped the tears he was shedding. 

"Not only did All Might show up on the projection, but he said I passed the entrance exam personally, along with telling me that I could become a hero and made the history books in U.A...Thank you so much, All Might!" Izuku smiled.


"He actually remembered my name from the Entrance Exam. He remembered me from the rooftop. He welcomed me into U.A. High School...how could I stay mad at him? He's my childhood idol..." Izuku began tearing up.

It took a lot of help, but Izuku's life changed completely. From getting Saitama's powers to the approval and apology from All Might, he's now enrolling into the high school of his dreams...

Next time, on Entrance Exam Arc: Chapter 5...

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