A Lonely Dream

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Zhou Zi Shu's eyelashes fluttered as his conscious stirred. The energy traveling into him slowly tapered off and he could feel the strength and vitality spread through his limbs like a spring flower unfurling. Despite the snowy mountain encasing the armory, Zi Shu felt warm and comforted. The martial method had worked, he knew, and it was time to open his eyes. 

 With a quiet inhale, he opened his eyes, ready to smile at Wen Ke Xing. In the past he could not let himself think of a possible future, but now he was ready to begin planning his life together with the man in front of him now that the dust had settled. 

What greeted him shattered those dreams immediately. White hair the color of fresh snow swirled around Wen Ke Xing's features, his eyes were still closed, and his lips pale. Alarm zipped down his spine when those hands pressed against his own began to fall and he rushed to catch them, his fingers wrapping around slim wrists in desperation. 

Wen Ke Xing couldn't be dead...he just couldn't. Zhou Zi Shu had so many things to say to him. They were supposed to spend the rest of their lives in tranquility.

Right when the panic began to set in, he felt the faintest of hummingbird pulses against the palms resting around the male's wrists. He gasped and crouched to bring the man into his arms, lifting him with a grunt. He stepped down from the platform with a grimace and rushed through the passageways in search of resting quarters. They had to have one. There was everything else to live here. 

Sweat beaded on his brow as he glided down the corridors, finally finding what he was looking for at the end of a vast gathering room. He set Wen Ke Xing down on the long forgotten coverlets of a bed, careful to brush his hair on either side of him. With a lingering glance, he fled the room in search of the martial manual and the Ying Yang book, hoping against all odds that there would be a cure. He would give his own heart if need be. 

His chest felt like a gong, his heart beating against his ribcage to signal the coming hour. He ran down the hallways and grabbed both books quickly before sprinting back. With stuttering breaths, he gazed down at the man who was still on the bed. He only looked to be sleeping and all Zhou Zi Shu wanted was for him to open his eyes. For him to smile his sweet edged smile at him and to call his name. 

He unfurled the wooden Ying Yang book and spread the pages of the manual, frantically skimming the material in search of a clue. 

There was nothing. With a cry of frustration, Zi Shu threw both of the books across the room. These were the most coveted items amongst the martial sects and they were absolutely useless.  

Zhou Zi Shu tucked his sleeve back and reached out to caress Wen Ke Xing's cheek, his fingers reverent on the soft skin. "You can't leave me. Not when our lives together are supposed to be just beginning." 

Doing the only thing he could possibly think of, he lifted the man and slid behind him to rest Ke Xing's head on his shoulder. Breathing deeply, he called on his internal force and it stirred inside at his bidding. He brought it forth and channeled it in to the man before him. 

Everything. Wen Ke Xing could have everything Zhou Zi Shu had, including his life, but he couldn't leave him behind. Everyone else was already gone, but Zi Shu just could not give up this person. 

His heart called out, anguished at the thought of going on and living under this mountain alone. No, that wouldn't happen. 

"You can have anything else, but not my zhiji. Not him." he said to the universe, the words being swallowed immediately thereafter by the otherwise empty room. 


This continued for days with Zhou Zi Shu only leaving to gather what he could for cold meals and melting the ice outside to drink. He fed cold congee to Wen Ke Xing, the aged rice the best option in this untouched place. But even that made him more frustrated. It had always been Lao Wen who prepared the food for what had become his family in those previous days. It had always been Lao Wen who stirred the food and made sure it tasted just right. Now that it was Zi Shu's turn, he couldn't even do that. 

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