Sour Reunion

371 13 18

A/N: Art cred to TheGreatRouge on deviantart.

  Pump was honestly surprised that he was still allowed in the candy shop. Especially after he almost got Kevin fired (or arrested) on several occasions. Despite this Kevin seemed to enjoy the duo's company.

  Every time they'd walk in his mood seemed to change and he'd always ask - "something new today or the regular?"

And on queue, as Skid and Pump walked into the store-

"Ah, you two. You getting the regular or are you making Satan cry?"

"Eh, he should have ran out of tears by now", Skid said as he made a beeline toward the sour candies.

  Recently Skid has been experimenting, combining different candies to create a nice mix. More often than not it would end in an unpleasant aftertaste. Pump never participated. Solely because of that one time he did decide to do it.


"Dude, I actually got a nice combo! Whoppers and Twix go together perfectly!" Skid exclaimed.

Pump shrugged, indifferent to his excitement. "I would hope they do. They're both chocolate." He dug through his bag to see what he could try. Two interesting things came in hand.

"Hey, how do you think warheads and swedish fish would do?"

"Go for it."

"Alright. Here goes."

  Pump popped a warhead into his mouth and soon after one swedish fish. A second later the realization set in. The warhead was incredibly sour and lemon flavored. He hated swedish fish because it tastes horrible. The vomit inducing taste made his face twist and change. He shot up and ran to the nearest trash can, nearly knocking down Lila in the process. After he spat the cursed abominations called candy out, he rinsed his mouth out in the sink for the next five minutes.

After a while of rinsing and regret, he walked back to the living room to see Skid trying not to laugh and Lila eating his swedish fish.

Never again. Never again will I follow up his stupid ideas.


"I'll get the regular", Pump said.

"Heh, good choice", Kevin chuckled as he bagged an array of sweets. "So hows things going on your end?"

"Pretty good right now", Pump answered. We got a trip happening in the summer. You know. The trip."

Kevin looked up. "That place? Where the hell did a school get enough funding for that?"

"I think its because of the fire incident. Honestly even so that couldn't be nearly enough, so I don't know. Maybe the teachers were nice."

Kevin finished his bagging with a scoff. "Yeah, right. Teachers stopped caring about their jobs a while ago. No way they would do that for a bunch of hormonal kids."

"Er, I think that just applies to you."

The ding of the doors opening sounded, and Pump turned to see who else entered the store.

It was an oddly familiar face. The hairstyle was odd, but recognizable. He had a concrete idea but he couldn't put his finger on it.....

Skid came to the counter, candy in hand. "Alright, I think I'm in for a hell of a night. No way I'm getting sleep." He paused and turned. "Who are you looking...wait, is that...?"

Pico took notice of this attention and walked over.

"What's the starin' for, am I famous?" He took a second to look at them. "There's no way.....don't tell me you two still have those costumes."

"Pico? What are you.....why do you still have that gun?!"

"Don't worry about it, I'm licensed. It's more of a surprise for me honestly. Who would've thought I'd run into you both in a small town like this?"

  He browsed the candies on display. "Anything good here? Looking for something a little sour."

  Skid grinned. "I got one actually." He dug in his bag and handed Pico a small box. "They're pretty good. Surprised more people don't eat them."

Pump glanced at the package. "Oh you gave him that one? Wait...NO DON'T-"

  Pico opened the box and ate one before Pump could stop him. The few seconds of silence before Pico's reaction felt like an eternity. His mouth wrenched in disgust. He slapped a hand over his mouth, dropped the box, and ran outside.

  Skid could barely hold in his laughter. "I can't believe he fell for that! Jeez he's so dumb!"

"You're evil kid", Kevin chuckled. "Pure villainy right there."


A/N: So yeah, Skid's as good as dead. Gonna make some progress at actually progressing the story next chapter. Hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you next time.

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