Chapter Two: Big day

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As I open my eyes a song instantly pops in my head. I woke up in a new Bugatti. Ok so no I didn't. I smile looking into the mirror across my room. Ew, does everyone look this bad in the mornings? I woke up an hour earlier today because I didn't want my mom hounding me about my watch and lecturing me.

I walk outside my front door, took a deep breath, and inhaled the city air. The city was never my choice. I don't like the fact that my neighbors can look inside my window from theirs, but my mom said living in the city would give me an advantage in looking for my partner. I mean come on, if you can't find the one in a city filled with about 10,000 people then something is wrong with you, or you're just ugly.

"Move out the way carpet guzzler" A blonde headed girl said as she nearly knocked me over. It looked as if she was in a hurry to get somewhere. Scratch that. she was in a hurry...even I can't fall like that without breaking a hip.

I smile at my thought as I walk over to the girl that just plowed her face into the road. "Need help up?" I ask extending my hand. She glares at me and reaches for my hand but misses. She reaches again and misses. "sorry I can't see, I think I just lost my contacts" She says searching the ground with her hands.

I look on the ground around where she fell and saw two little clear circles. "Umm, I think these are it." I handed them to her. " Crap, they are so dirty" I watch her run her fingers on them wiping the dirt off. "My solution is at home" she says getting up.

"Can you take me to my house please ?" She says while wiping the dirt off her butt. "You do realize you called me a name... and pushed me." I question with a laugh. "Yeah but we are even... cause I fell." She says crossing her arms. "Fine. I'll take you home, only because you can't see though. I wouldn't want someone to dig a hole and call it love, and watch you fall in it."

She starts to grin. "hey! That's my saying! And plus... I kind have to fall in love, my time starts today. That's why I'm in such a hurry." She pulls her long hair up into a pony tail.

"Me too, me too" I sigh. this whole love thing is supposed to be a good thing. but for me, it's just stress on top of stress. "Alright where to?" I ask the girl. "3301 Main Street" she says with a flip of her hair. Oh boy she is a snobby one.


We arrive at her house, which was only a couple blocks away from mine. That's how the city works. There are people from around the block that you never meet in your life because there is just to many people. I lead her up to her door and she feels in her purse for her keys. it took her quite awhile but she found them.

"Come on" she says while inviting me inside. "I don't even know you! I don't even know your name. Stranger danger." I say hugging myself. She rolls her eyes. "The name is Mikenna, and how am I supposed to find my solution if I can't see?" She says pulling my arm.

I walk in the door. "Wait, what about your parents? They can find it for you." Her face suddenly turns sad. "Um, they ain't really around much, I stay home alone and take care of my two siblings." I try and block subject considering the fact I could tell she was uneasy. "Where is the solution?" I ask.

She walks into the bathroom and pulls a box underneath the cabinet. "in here" she hands it to me and misses letting the box fall to the floor, her stuff scattering everywhere. "Dang it!" She starts to cry and sits on the toilet. "This day couldn't get any worse" She puts her head in her hands.

I quickly pick up all the stuff and out it back in the box. I take her solution out and hand it to her. "You'll be ok Mikenna" I reassured her as she grabs the solution and quickly cleans her contacts and puts them back in. She smiles at me, quickly recovering from her earlier depression.

"There. Now I can see your face" she laughs wiping the tears off of her checks. "Thank you, I'm so sorry for pushing you today." She hugs me. "Not to mention you called me a carpet guzzler." I add. She starts to giggle. "Wanna be my new best friend?" She asks. "What if I already have one?" I ask her.

She raises an eyebrow. "You do?" Ouch... is it really that noticeable I don't have friends? "Haha no" I say brushing off the thought. "Ok! So then it's set. Besties for the resties. We can do everything together, our hair, make up, we can even go on trips together.. even find the one together. blah blah blah lalala" her words blur out my head. What did I just get into?


Heyyyyy thanks for reading this chapter. Don't be afraid to vote -_- I know you be reading and then go to the next chapter and not vote.

Don't make me come at you through this screen XD

Anyways ••• luv yew •••

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