Chapter 1: Incident

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Third Person POV-June 20, 1986   4:02 pm

Heavy. Hot. Sweating.

19 year old Kineton Walloway was walking home from school in the hot summer heat. His bright smile once school was proclaimed to be out of session for the summer was slowly fading as the heat bore down on him. He panted his way down the street, hauling his backpack on his shoulder. Although his posture was still kept upright. As he approached a crosswalk, watching the traffic light go from red to green, he muttered to himself as he watched the cars drive by.

"Tch...fucking dad. Doesn't he know how hot it is out here? Making me walk home..."

As he rolled his eyes, he brought his backpack to the front of him and gently opened it. He sighed at the amount of text books, binders and unkept pieces of paper in his backpack but then, a smile appeared on his face. A years worth of memories flooded his mind. There was a time when he was at a football game and he was with a group of friends. They all watched on the bleachers as they cheered on their friend, Chris Mackey. The jock of the friend group. Running out into the field with his ego as big as a boulder, he looked back at his boys and pumped his fist high into the air. But, just as he felt that nothing in the world could ruin that moment, Chris ended up tripping over himself, rolling out into the rest of field. The cheerleaders laughed, and so did the crowd. Kineton and his friends were no sore thumb out of the crowd, as they laughed hardily, pushing each other off the benches as they joked around. Oh how Chris would hate them for not letting him live it down. 

Kineton smiled once more. He'd miss school. He'd miss seeing the boys and all the fun they would have.


The pedestrian traffic-light signaled Kineton to snap out of his flashback and to begin walking. He lifted his head, looked both ways and made his way home.


Another hour had passed since he began walking home and he had finally made it to his house. Looking in the drive way, he noticed that there were 3 cars instead of 2. One belonged to his father, and the other, his dead mother.

Goddamnit dad.

He knew that someone else was in the house. Someone that his father must've brought home. Most likely on some drunken fit while he was at school. Kineton immediately knew why his father wanted him to walk home. He probably thought that whoever was in there would be gone before he got home. But clearly, his father underestimated his pace. Groaning and muttering curses under his breath, Kineton stomped up the drive way and keyed open the door. Surprisingly, it was quiet. A little too quiet. Maybe there wasn't anyone here, he thought. No, there definitely someone here. Ever since his mom died, it was hard for his father to cope. Kineton dropped his backpack by the door and stared at the open bottles on the table, along with the filled astray. Panning a bit more to the right, he saw a leather purse hanging on the chair. He rolled his eyes again.

Kineton took off his buff coat from his community college and hung it on a hanger by the door. Making his way quietly up the stairs, he began to hear noises. Squeaking noises. He questioned whether or not he wanted to continue up the steps to investigate. It wasn't like he didn't know the answer to where the noise was coming from. But he kept on. Closer and closer he got upstairs, the louder the noises got and the more noises he heard. He waved his hand through the air, hoping the concentrated smell of cigarettes would disappear. But not to his avail, the smell only continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2021 ⏰

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