𝙏𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙡𝙚 𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩

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Back to school

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Back to school.It was busy as always.But she's used to it now.Alexandra felt a little better from that saturday.It was the best Saturday she had since she arrived at the school.The dreams of Sirius Black srill haunting her.But now .Running down the hallway.A half piece of buttered toast  in her mouth.Messy hair as usual.Her bag hung loosley on her shoulder.Bumping into people.Hoping she wouldn't be late to Snape's class.Going down two  flight of stairs as fast as she could.Being warned from McGonagall on her way but she didn't care what McGonagall was saying.She was already on bad terms with Snape so she doesn't fancy getting a detention with him.Sliding on the last flight of stairs.Alexandra finally reached the the dim lighted corridor.The dungeons.It was really cold and it sent shivers down her body.On her way to the Potions class.She bumped into a Slytherin.

"Watch were you're going Potter".

"Shut your mouth Flint".

"Hey!.Show respect to the Slytherin Quidditch Captain".

"If they asked me to kiss a Grindylow or show respect to you.I'd choose to kiss a Grindylow " she shouted from a distance then she kept running towards the class.Not waiting a respond from him.It was in the end of the corridor.Few seconds away from her .But it felt like ages.Because she was already out of breath.Without knocking on the door she entered immediatly.Revealing Snape on his desk.Checking papers in front of him.Not bothered to look up.And the students were copying down what's on the board.Slowly she went to set beside Cedric.Tiptoeing.Hoping that Snape didn't feel her presence.

"Thirteen minutes late from class.Not knocking the door and sneaking behind a teacher".

"Well.Technically I'm not behind you.I'm in front of you..." she trailed off when Cedric started to shake his head.'You're dead' he said in a low whisper no one could hear but she understood from his lips moves.

"What's the reason for being late?".

"I was sleeping?".

"And no one warned you that you're late?" he raised an eyebrow.

"No one.Because Rachel went with Steve.And I didn't see Fred or George this morning.Alicia was out of sight.And Cedric is a Hufflepuff.But if you remove the charm from the girls' staircase Dormetory I'm sure Cedric would've woke me up".

"And that would be ten points from Gryffindor for changing the subject".

"You asked me and I -".

"Silence!" he stood from his seat and walked in front of Alexandra."I'm not finished yet.As for being late.You're excused only this time because of your O.W.L.S otherwise you'd have detention for the night.Copy what's writin on the board and after the class I'm sure Mr Diggory will tell you about the new potion.Go to your seat".

She did as what she was told.She moved to set beside Cedric.He muttered a good morning to her and she returned one back.She pulled out her notebook from the bag and accidentally slammed it on the desk.Many turned around and looked at her but as soon as she glared a deadly glare at them they turned their heads back to their notebooks.Looking again inside her bag.She couldn't find her quill.

𝐒𝐎𝐄𝐔𝐑   (𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲)Where stories live. Discover now