Chapter 1- Creepy

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"Thanks for the help Riley!" My mother sarcastically moaned as I walked in through the doors to this big, old house. Something drew me to it as I looked around at the walls and at the fireplace in the living room. I ignored her moaning and continued searching around. I heard a small bang coming from one of the rooms upstairs so I went to investigate the hardly mysterious noise. I looked through the first door that I came by and it was completely empty with nothing in it, so it couldn't have come from there.
I continued going into each room until I came across one room which was big and dark, just my style. I walked in and felt the walls as I admired every little dark feature about it. The dark wallpaper made the room seem glum and depressing which mesmerised me.
Mine. I thought as I turned to look at a door that was on the other side of the room. I started to open it when the bang appeared again from behind me, making me jump a little as I gasped and turned quickly to look at what could have caused the noise.
A boy stood there, he looked about my age, maybe a little older.

"Who are you!?" I asked confused as this stranger stood on the spot looking me dead in the eye. His blonde locks curling round his head smoothly, yet in a shaggy kind of way, yet it was.. cute. He didn't smile or move one bit.

"Hello? Stranger? Why are you in my room?! Who are you" I asked again folding my arms across my chest as I leant my weight onto one hip, looking a little sassy, whilst biting my black lip piercing.

"Oh, so you're the one moving in here now?" He asked me, his voice was deep yet quiet. He seemed quite..dead.

"Yes I'm here with my mom. Who are you for the third time asking?" I snapped, trying not to seem too harsh because he was cute and all.

"Tate. Who are you?" He replied as he moved forward slowly.

"Riley." I said looking down at his feet as he took three small steps forward and then stopping again as he turned and looked around the room. "How did you even get in here?" I asked him confused, yet becoming a little nervous feeling as though he was ready to kill me or something. He didn't answer, he just stared at my hair as it gently lay over my shoulders, smoothly.

"I like your hair. What made you dye it purple?" He asked as he stared at it and then jumping his eyes straight back to mine.

"I knew it'd annoy my mom" I said shrugging, he smiled a little.

Suddenly my mom shouted me from downstairs. "Riley, come and help me with the unpacking!" She ordered. I rolled my eyes and looked down at my feet.

"Fine! I'm sorry I have to g-" I began to groan as I looked back up to say goodbye to Tate. He was gone. I looked around the room to see if he was somewhere but he'd gone. He had just vanished out of nowhere.

"Tate?" i said to see if he was still around but i got no reply. I frowned and then shook it off as i walked out of the room and headed downstairs to my mom who was bent over a box of little ornaments that she liked to hang over and put on the fireplace at our old house. I stood infront of her and began to tie my long, fluorescent purple hair into a ponytail with a small blue bobble and sighed heavily as i placed my hands in my pockets.

"Ugh, you have to dye your hair back to brown because I'm fed up of looking at your stupid bright head" she moaned at me as she rummaged through her things.

"Nope, this ain't changing. Its my hair not yours" I snapped. "What do you need me to do then?" I asked her as i watched her take out a small cat ornament and blow on it gently to get rid of the dirt. She began to hand me them, telling me to put them onto the big fireplace on the other side of the room. I rolled my eyes expecting to have been asked to do something more exciting like visit the basement or the loft and see what we could put in there or at least do with it, but no i had to put ornaments on the fireplace. Living the wild life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2015 ⏰

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