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[idk if that is a girl or guy hand but pretend it's a guy hand]
•Travis's POV•
The snow started to seep through tennis shoes as I walked to the spot. I quicken my pace and finally reach the spot, the headstone. It's been about 4 years now since the war with Gaea, but it feels like just yesterday it happened. The memory is burned in my head and I can't ever get rid of it.

Some of the Hermes cabin and Demeter cabin were fighting close by each other, defending where some of the injured demigods laid. I was helping one of the younger demigods get to a safer place when a monster came at me. I couldn't fight it with the young demigods in my hands so I yelled for help. Katie soon came over to me and bulled out her bow and arrow. She keeping hitting the monster spot, that is until she ran out of arrows. I was still trying to get the demigod to a safe spot but I couldn't find one. I told Katie where she could find a sword to stop the monster from coming any closer. She quickly got the sword and started to have a small fight with the monster. Katie was doing a good job until she lost balance and fell. At the time I was somewhat far away from the small battle but I couldn't help myself, I dropped the kid (carefully) one the ground and ran. I ran as fast as I possibly could, but it was no use. The monster already had Katie in his reach and crushed her. Her scream was one that could be heard from the other side of the world, I swear it pierced the air with its deafening noise. The monster had run away from her by the time I got to her. Her rib cage was broken and so was one of her arms. She was in so much pain, and her eyes showed it. Her breathe was slowing down and she was barely moving.
"I...lo-love" Katie started but had to gasp for air. I started shouting for an Apollo kid to come and help but no one heard me. "I love...y-you." She finished with one final breath. That's when I knew she had given up the fight. She had died. I started to cry and shout, cursing the Gods. I kissed her one last time, to see if those fairytales were right but Katie didn't wake up. She never would again.
I kneel down in the snow, placing the new white rose on her grave. I take the old one I put there earlier in he summer. I haven't been here since, I just couldn't come see her, the memory came back to me every time I visit her grave. I just miss her so much.

"Uh, hey Katie, it me Travis. I, uh, just wanted to give you a new flower so you could have a fresh one for Christmas. Your siblings miss you, it's never the same anymore in the cabin." I take a deep breath and start to talk again. "Everyone misses you, especially me. Excuse the language but, I miss you like hell Katie. I really do. I was so excited to go to college with you in the fall after the war. It was the only time I ever wanted to go to school. I wanted to take you to your prom first but that didn't happen either. And even though it was to early to be thinking about it at 17, I wanted to marry you and even possible have a family with you a few years after college. I just miss you Katie. And it's all my fault." I hung my head and a few tears slide down my face.

I'm not the same person anymore, not without her. I don't play elaborate pranks on campers, I only make jokes to cheer up the younger demigods but end up getting sad when I remember that the jokes I tell them I once told Katie to cheer her up. I'm just not me anymore.

"I know this may seem stupid, talking to you even though you can't respond but I feel like you can hear me, and if that's what it takes to get close to you again then that's what I'll do. I would do anything for you Katie, I really would." I stand up and start to walk away with the dead rose in my hand.

"I miss you Katie. I'll be back soon hopefully. Goodbye for now Katie-Kat." I walk away from her grave and leave.

•Third Person POV•
A girl who looked 17 but awfully pale and ghost like peeked her head out from the trees. She headed over to the grave and bent down and picked up the rose.

"I miss you too Travis. More than anything."

How was it? I am trying to make these imagines/one shots not so cheesy.
Sorry for not updating in forever, I've been so busy but it is my spring break right now so yay!
Im sorry if this was too sad or wasn't sad at all but I almost cried because I've had someone close to me die recently so I'm sorry once again.😔

Requests? Just comment them or message me them, I would appreciate it. :)

Bye lovelies, have a nice day.🌅

(Has anyone seen Once Upon A Time? I'm only on season 2 but it is very good so far! What do you guys recommend on Netflix? Comment suggestions please!😊)

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