Chapter 15: What More Can We lose?

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(Y/n)'s P.o.v

The Darkness I feel it closer to my soul then ever before... I figured out why Ozpin was so worry about this power it was because like all power it can lead to corruption... the Darkness isn't evil no it's the power that brings the evil out of the person it's only obeys the user it's the user that falls into evil not the Darkness... I made a mistake... I am not sure if I can fix it but I... am not gonna be here much longer... but a side of me that was locked away but now was released by my own hands... I wish I get to see Ruby again.... Cya later world...

Blades P.o.v

We were walking till (Y/n) came to a sudden stop...

Blade: Hey what's up?


Blade: (Y/n) what's wrong?


Blade: (Y/n)...


My eyes widen as I look down to see her punched me in the stomach... it went all the way through... there's no living from this...

Blade: G-goodbye my son... wished I had some more time to spend with you... I love you...

Ruby's P.o.v

No... I was so close to him he was right there... and I lost him all over again... I just want (Y/n) back... I know something is wrong with him right now and that he needs us more then ever... he needs me... and I swear I will see him again and that will be when we won't leave each other's side ever again!

Jaune's P.o.v

Poor Ruby... I know she is going through a lot... I want to help her but I don't know how... Dammit (Y/n) why couldn't you stay with us we could have worked together!

Pyrrha: Jaune? What's wrong?

I look up and saw Pyrrha with a worried face on. I then sign and look back down.

Jaunes: Its Ruby I kinda get how she feels like when you went up that tower alone I feared I might lose you and I almost did if it weren't for (Y/n) but now he's gone and we can't find him he was like a brother to me he was always there but he never had us there for him he just wouldn't allowed it... I JUST... wish he would just come back to us all...

Pyrrha: ... I don't understand him like everyone else but I feel as tho he does want to come back but I think before he does he needs to feel as tho he can and that Ruby needs him like he needs her...

Jaune: Yeah... thanks Pyrrha you are always great to talk to don't know what I would do without you...

Pyrrha: Of course Jaune I will always be there for you...

Shadows P.o.v

Right now me and Yang are inside she is messing with her arm a bit while I am doing dishes till I suddenly got a sensation... I forgot everything else and dropped a plate by accident...

Yang: Hey you ok?

I look up from the sink through the window... he's losing himself... (Y/n)...

Yang: Hellooooo *snap*snap* earth to Shadow what's wrong?

I turn my head to look at hers and Yang seems to be a little werid by what I'm assuming is my facial expression...

Yang: Shadow what's the matter...

Shadow: (Y/n)... he's not ok...

Yang: What do you mean?

Shadow: I mean the power of the Darkness is getting in his head like any power would if he doesn't get help he could be lost for good...

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