Meeting the LOV

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Dabi's POV

When Y/n and I got to the base, Toga ran over idimitly. Here we go again. I was cut off from my thoughts by Toga " omg You Must Be Y/n! I've Heard So Much About You!" Y/n just smiled at Toga. "hi" Y/n started off with the conversation quiet. I thought she/he looked kind of cute when she/he is shy. "Can I Show Her Around Dabi?!" Toga was very excited to meet Y/n. "I don't care" I let Toga show Y/n around because I need to talk to Crusty alone. "Yes!" Toga grabbed Y/n's wrist and ran off around somewhere in the base. I walked over to the bar and took a seat. ¨She seems like she/he has some real potential" "yeah that's why I brought her here" Crusty and I started talking about weather Y/n should or shouldn't join the LOV

-Y/n's POV-

Toga seems nice, I wanted to be friends with her and get to know her better. "and This is Dabi's room. I Hate it in There it Stinks!" I laughed at Toga's remark. As we walked I met a few people, one of them was named Twice I think. He seems to be fun. I met a few other people, and they all greeted me very nicely so I did the same. "Will she/he be joining the league?" a guy asked Toga. The guy who asked the question had a black and wight mask (I'm talking about Mr. Compress btw). He seems nice too. "I Don't Know!" Toga said, kinda anxious."ok no need to shout" Twice said laughing slightly. I learned their names fast enough to know who was who.  I just smiled.

-Time Skip-

Still Y/n's POV

I was talking to Toga, Twice, and Mr. Compress when Dabi walked in to the room. we just kept talking because we didn't know he was there. "Y/n let's go" Dabi sounded kind of happy? I don't know how to put his feeling but I knew he wasn't like he was normally. I don't think anyone noticed other than me

after a few mins I finally snapped out of my thoughts. "oh right I'm coming" I didn't want it to sound wrong but I said that with a groan type of voice (do you know what I mean?) 

A/n: sorry for not updating but this time I will up date two chapters (well one is just a few questions and a bunch of random stuff T^T) but I will try to update soon!

Have a great day/night!

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