..⤞Something You Have Left Behind⤝..

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Lv. 1
"Mommy mommy!! Look! It's the PlayStation that i always wanted!! Mom,can I have it pleaseeeee??" You excitedly jumped as you pointed at the playstation console,you always wanted it to play video games,you've seen it everywhere on posters,to commercials,to billboards,you need to get one as soon as possible since they are almost out of stock.
"Ok sweetie,but promise me that you'll take good care of it and you'll behave,ok?" your mother said.
"Yes I promise!! Now please can we go buy it now?? This is the last PlayStation on this earth!!"you looked up at your mom with pleading eyes.
"There's no rush,now let's go and get your PlayStation." your mom rolled her eyes playfully.
You giggled as you instantly ran inside the store and grabbed the last PlayStation console,you panicked as the box almost slipped off your hands,due to the heavy console inside the box. You immediately put the box on the counter where the cash register stood. You were so happy that you were getting the Playstation that you always wanted,until something caught your eye. Your mother was about to pay for the console until-
"Mom wait!" The cash register and your mother jumped because of the sudden outburst.
"Gosh (y/n) you're gonna give me a heart attack! What now?" your mother spoke worriedly.
"Wait..what's this?" You slowly reached your hand out to grab a video game.
You brought the box closer to you,taking a closer look at the mysterious holographic box. It doesn't have a title or an image,just a colorful,silver holo box. You slightly tilt the box,watching the rainbow hues move and change colors with every movement you make. The rainbow colors reflecting to your eyes was a breathtaking sight,as you were about to tell your mom that you're gonna take it,someone interrupted.
"Hey kid,if I were you,I wouldn't buy that game." The cash register said with a monotone voice,his eyes dull yet has a hint of concern..
"What's wrong with that game?" your mother asked.
"The video games from that counter are bootlegs and pirated,some are unlinceded and made from random video game creators that they're never heard of. I've heard that this video game was used by many people,whoever played it,they got sucked inside the video game and the player never came out." said the cash register.
"Oh please so if that's true,then why are y'all selling this video game in the first place if it 'campured players'. Shouldn't y'all just get rid of it instead? Let's not mention those pirated games,says a person who works on a video game store who is supposed to be selling only licenced games made by well known video game companies right?" your mother said sternly,looking at the male with serious eyes.
"Ma'am,I've only heard those rumors,I don't guarantee that the myth is true,but just giving you a warning. Also,I don't collect video games,I'm just doing my job as a cash register." the young male spoke softly.
"Whatever you say young man,but I don't believe any of that,it's just a video game, how bad can it be?" your mother smiled in reassurance.
"You're still taking that video game dearie?" you looked at your mother,as she patiently waited for your response. You looked back at the holo box,somehow this game has an aura to it. It's like it's telling you to take it,like it's calling your name. Surprisingly,even though you heard those scary things from the stranger,you somehow wanted to take the game,the thought that the box doesn't have any designs or a title,its making you more curious of what the video game is about. You gave your mother a smile and a nod,as letting your mom know you're still taking the video game.Your mother nodded back as you gave her the video game box,then your mother handed the box to the cash register. After paying for everything,you couldn't be more excited. You happily hopped in the car and you hugged the PlayStation box. You were heading home with a huge smile on your face,excited to try out the new video game you just got.
01110101 01101110 01101011 01101110 01101111 01110111 01101110 years later
~{2 n d p e r s o n p o v}~
You immediately opened your eyes,waking up from that dream..more like a flashback to the past. You questioned yourself why you had that dream,out of everything you could have dreamed about. Now ignoring it,you stretched your limbs on your bed,feeling your joints popping,releasing a sigh from the satisfying feeling. Slowly getting up you looked through your window,smiling in delight as you watch the sun slowly rise up,giving the sky beautiful hues of oranges and yellows. It gives you a cozy feeling,nothing to worry about,you just feel relaxation and tranquility. You slowly get out of bed and start your daily routine. Putting on some comfortable clothes,making yourself some breakfast,the usual,you never get tired of this,the feeling of living independently in your apartment just makes you feel happy.
~{y / n ' s p o v}~
I walked my way to the porch with a watering can,sliding the glass door open,I felt the gentle breeze hit my face. I inhaled the fresh air,exhaling with a hum,enjoying the fresh feeling of my lungs breathing in the cool air. I walked outside as I started watering my plants. I love my plants so much,they're like my friends. As I was done watering my plants I placed the watering can on the concrete floor. I rested my arms on the metal hand railing,resting my head on my hands. I smiled in delight,this is just so relaxing,it's so peaceful..i love this..I don't want this feeling to end ever. I stood there enjoying the view of the city,the tall buildings shining,reflecting the rays of the sun. Looking down the porch watching the cars slowly move..they look so small like ants. I looked at the sky,staring at the puffy clouds. I hummed as I kept staring at them..
"hmm..I wonder why I had that dream..that game..i never get to play it..i wonder.." I whispered to myself. A strong gust of wind interrupted me from my thoughts. I shuddered and I made my way back in my apartment. I slid the door shut and locked it,then I laid on the couch and wrapped myself with my soft blanket. That dream..I still wondered..i don't understand why it's a big deal..i don't know..something bothered me about it.
"Huh..probably I should take a look at my playstation,it's been years since i used it." I said to myself..
"uhh but i don't wanna get up..im so comfy hereee.." I snuggled on the couch,embracing the warmth..something I haven't felt for a long time. That's when I remembered about my mom,I miss her..man why did I decide to move far away?..I should've got an apartment that's near my old house where I used to live before it was time for me to start my independent life. Good thing that my mother sends me notes and cards through the mail,even though she can just call me and text me,but I really adore her letters and I always keep them somewhere safe. Speaking about my mother..that game..I never get to play it..I did buy other games to play on the PS,but i was very hesitant to play that game..
..(time skip)..
~{2 n d p e r s o n p o v}~
It's 6:09pm,you spent the whole day just using your phone and drawing on your sketchbook. As you were about to finish your masterpiece your stomach growled. You felt your stomach burn due to the acids not digesting anything at the moment. You got up and decided to make a nice bowl of ramen noodles,you're not in poverty or anything like that,ramen noodles is something you happily stick with. Just when the ramen noodles are done cooking,you prepared the ramen in the bowl and then you headed to your room. You were about to sit on your desk but you hesitated and stared at your storage closet..somehow you felt like a questioning vibe to it..it's not a dark and bad vibe..you just felt something but you couldn't put a word on it..a vibe you felt before. You simply tried to brush it off and placed the bowl of noodles on the desk,you sat down and you decided to watch your favorite show/anime. Yet while you were trying to enjoy yourself,somehow you felt the strange aura again..you turned around and stared at the closet once again..you got up and walked towards the door..slowly grabbing on the door handle. Your hands are becoming shaky and clammy,you didn't understand why you were so nervous,it's your closet right?..you know what's inside there,what would you expect?... You pulled the door open and you looked down..
..your playstation stood there..beside it was that video game..
..that videogame that will change your life forever..
WoOOOOooOOoOOO!!!! FINALLY DONE WITH THE FIRST CHAPTER!!! Holy shit I never thought writing a book took so much time and effort,I started writing this book on 04/8/2021,took me 5 days to finish this chapter yet it's so fun writing this!! Also if you made it down here,i'm so thankful you read my book,i'll do my best to write more chapters asap! ^^ Besides all that,i want y'all to give me your opinions if i did good or not. It's my first time writing and publishing a book,hopefully y'all enjoyed reading it!! Have a good one! <3


~1689 words in total~

⤞Salutations Darling⤝Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ