..⤞What a Strange Auction Item⤝..

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Lv. 4
~{3 r d p e r s o n p o v}~
"Ugh..can't you hurry?..We need to go find a spot!!" the rocky sphere spoke worriedly while hovering towards a specific location. A bicolored humanoid strangely appeared on one spot to another while she followed her rocky friend,she spoke in a cheery manner.
"Ahh auction day..these are the utmost grand of days! This is going to be so,so-" she paused as the violently twitched as her eyes were nothing but static,her head spun as her right side turned white and her left is black. Her right eye is black while her iris is blue,on the other hand,her left eye is gone.
"Awful!! I think this is going to be the worst day of my life!!" Her voice became a little distorted while she made a strange hand gesture against her head. Her friend interrupted her,
"Wow! Look at the crowd today Ina! Everyone's ugly..today's item must be super special! What do you think it is?" she spoke with her voice full of curiosity.
"Why would I know?! I'm too stupid to even imagine anything!" she whined,not long after she froze again and turned to her normal state and she sincerely apologized to the people around her. Everyone was now focused when a purple cassette tape appeared on top of the strange floating stage.The cassette tape grew arms and grabbed a puppet,a large cord grew as it connected behind the puppet's head.
"ALRIGHT,Y'ALL!! Welcome to the Daily Auctioning!! Sooie Sooooieee!!" the puppet which is the auctioneer shouted while doing a funky dance.
"Yeah,all your existential troubles will go away soon,okay? Today we have this..dog..inside..an hourglass?..an hourglass dog! Sooie!! Our starting price is:20 CHOOCYS FOR ONE HOURGLASS DOG!!" the auctioneer shouted in hype.
"Brilliant,Moony! Your foresight's great,today's offer is a big one!" Ena said with glee.
"That dog looks like he has something to say,if you get what i'm saying! Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho~" Ena looked at Moony with a weirded out expression,
"Err..wait..no no no that was very weird..what is wrong with you?" The tombstones with mouths discussed to themselves around the two,wondering how much they were all gonna bid for the special item.
"50 chocolates!!" a tombstone shouted.
"50 chocolate bars,sooie! Is there a counter bid?" the puppet asked the others.
"I'm offering 400!!" another tombstone offered.
"400! He's loaded!" the puppet announced.
"One fatty catty!" another tombstone shouted.
"One fatty catty! Going once! Goin-" everyone has been cut off by a giant boulder crushing one of the tombstones.
Ena and Moony just stand there in shock as more rocks fall from the sky,crushing other tombstones in the process. They both looked up and saw a gigantic boulder,it had a face on the right side and it dropped big chunks of rocks.
"Was that a rain-rock I just felt?" Ena questioned.
"Oh shoot! They are going to cancel the auction! Darn,life is so unfair.." Moony saind in a sad tone. Suddenly,Ena felt sick down her stomach as she gagged then covered her mouth while her eyes flashed in static. She quickly crouched down and vomited a puddle of liquid static.
"Ugh..Rude! You should ask before doing that,you know!?" Moony scrunched up her face at her friend's actions.
"I'm sowwy..my stupidness never ends.." Ena cried softly,grinding her forehead against the ground as a small string of vomit leaked out her mouth. She suddenly stopped what she's doing and slowly turned her head to her right. She stared at the static puddle as it slowly shrinks and it slowly shifted into a strangle glowing figure. The glow slowly died down as an hourglass dog spun with a derpy face.
"Argh!! I must leave immediately before I become a pancake by those stupid rain-rocks!!" the puppet shrieked. The puppet kicked a purple bag off the floating stage out of distress and quickly floated away,letting the bag fall and it landed on the ground with a terrifying crack. Ena and Moony quickly faced the bag as Moony shouted excitedly,
"Oh my gosh Aena look! A free item!! C'mon let's take it and let's get out of here before one of these rain-rocks kills one of us!!"
Ena nodded and quickly got up and she ran towards the bag,rapidly grabbing it and draping it over her shoulder.
"Oof..this is quite a heavy one! I wonder what it is?" Ena wondered and she sprinted her way out of the rock-storm with Moony following behind her. Moony looked at the back as she quickly took notice at the dark red liquid dripping from the bag.
"What the hell? What is that? Is that supposed to be happening?" Moony explained with a disgusted look on her face.
"Now it's not the time to fret my dear friend,right now let's focus on leaving this awful storm!" Ena replied as she was almost out of breath due to her running with the heavy bag she's carrying.
..(time skip)..
It wasn't so long since the two made it in Ena's place,they're now staring at the mysterious bag that's placed on the middle of the living room floor.
"What's with the hesitation Moony? I thought you wanted to see what's inside the bag." Ena spoke to Moony,who was staring at the bag with a stern glare.
"I don't know Jenna..something about this bag it's giving me a weird feeling,why did the auctioneer have this,do you think they're meant to give out this..thing?" Moony looked at Ena with concern.
"Oh don't worry pal! Didn't you see they kicked the bag before they escaped? Probably they didn't want to do anything with this item in the first place!" Ena smiled at Moony with reassurance.
"I guess you're right,then I guess that settles things,open the bag Aina!" Ena nodded and untied the big bag,she struggled due to being quite nervous of what's gonna be inside. She finally opened the bag,as she was about to take a peek of what's inside,Moony bumped in and she took a look first.Moony gasped then backed away,
"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING?? AND WHY DOES IT HAVE RED LIQUID LEAKING ON THEIR FACE!?" Ena jumped in surprise at Moony's reaction,then she decided it's her turn to look inside the bag. Her mouth opened as she gasped in surprise,
"Oh my it's a human!..Why is she here?..and why did the auctioneer have her in a bag?" Ena immediately took out the strange human out of the bag and laid her on the floor.
"EENA STOP TOUCHING THAT UGLY THING!! YOU DON'T KNOW IF IT'S DANGEROUS!!" Moony floated around Ena,trying to back her away from the human. Ena pouted and grabbed Moony,
"Moony don't say that! She looks safe to me,don't make such silly assumptions of how bad she can be! Besides,look at her! She looks like she's in pain! Maybe she's suffering from a head injury as you can see the red substance seeping from her head! I've heard a bit about humans before but this is the first one coming here to this dimension!" Moony didn't seem convinced but she does know Ena is saying the truth.
"Alright then,but I don't wanna be part of this anymore so I'm going home,that auction item sure is lame anyways." Moony rolled her eyes and left,leaving Ena by herself with the unconscious human.
"Oh dear..what am I gonna do with you?.." Ena spoke to herself as she looked at her,examining her features.
"Wow..she does seem very different from everyone in here..so exquisite.." Ena whispered as her eyes sparkled in amazement,until she realized she forgot about the bleeding and head injury.
"Oh great runas! I totally forgot about the injury!!" Ena got up and quickly brought the first aid kit.
"I knew this thing would come in handy!" After a while,Ena managed to treat the wound,the bleeding stopped as Ena smiled proudly to herself.
"Ah,that should do it! She'll feel better in no time! It was quite a struggle since it's my first time treating a human's wound." Ena then looked at the human with sympathy.
"What a poor soul..must be very tough to go through such misery..that stupid puppet should't have kicked her off the stage,if it wasnt for that she wouldn't have gotten injured from such treacherous fall." Ena spoke while gently rubbing the human's bandaged head
She hummed and stood up then made her way to her room to grab a blanket and a pillow. She came back to the living room and placed the pillow on the couch,she then turned to the human and carefully picked her up. Ena gently placed the human on the couch,trying not to wake her up and hurt her head. After successfully placing her on the couch,Ena draped the soft grey velvet blanket on top of her.
"Good! All nice and cozy!" Ena smiled in delight.
"Maybe I should prepare something to eat incase if they're hungry when they wake up." Ena turned on her heels and walked away towards the kitchen.
..(time skip)..
~{y / n ' s p o v}~
'I'm finally on my senses,yet I'm still weak from what happened,wait..what actually happened?..i don't remember anything..where am I?' I thought to myself. I slowly opened my eyes as I hissed due to the swift pang of unbearable pain shot through my head. I gently touched my head and I felt something rough.
"O-ow..what happened..am I bandaged up?" I whispered to myself and examined my surroundings. It seems like I'm in someone's house,everything here seems so liminal,yet so colorful and cozy..like I'm in an abandoned children's playhouse. I looked at the blanket,it's extraordinarily soft. I slowly sat up and wrapped the soft blanket over my shoulders like a cape,then I carefully got up on my feet and walked around the living room.
"This house is so unique..but who owns it?..I wonder if anyone is here at the moment..should I look around?..it'll seem rude if im looking around without permission.." I spoke in a worried tone. That's until I heard clicking noises and soft humming,I stood there like a deer in headlights. I panicked that someone was inside the house,what should I do? Should I lay back down and pretend I'm unconscious? Oh god what if they're grabbing a weapon to kill me-
"Oh! Salutations friend! I see you're awake!" my thoughts were interrupted by a cheery masculine voice. My eyes widened and looked at the stranger. A feminine humanoid stood there politely,she possessed a bicolored body. Her left side is yellow,and her right is blue. Her right side is low-poly, and her left side is smooth,with her hair being different in length on either side. Her eyes are unique in shape,one being a diamond and the other a half circle. Her outfit consists of a traditional Peruvian girl's school uniform with a black skirt, a white collared t-shirt, and two socks,one thigh high on her blue side,the other ankle height on her yellow side. Somehow her appearance makes her look friendly,but I'm not sure if i can trust her yet. What I didn't realize is that it seems that she's holding a tray,there was a white geometric bowl and next to it was a glass cup with an indescribable substance. The humanoid gave me a soft giggle and spoke to grab my attention.
"Come! Follow me please!" she proceeded to turn on her heels and began to walk away. I quickly followed as she took me to the dining room. The furniture quite resembled a children's table,each chair has their own vibrant color,which gave off a sweet childhood vibe to it and it made me quite comfortable. The bicolored humanoid placed the tray on the orange table and proceeded to pull out a chair.
"Here,take a seat!" she offered me to sit with a genuine smile on her left side. I slowly made my way towards the chair and carefully sat down. She gently pushed the chair for me then she sat on the chair next to me.
"I made you something to eat in case you're hungry,I heard you humans need it to survive so I tried to make you something. I hope you like it!" I looked at her and gave a weak smile and I softly spoke.
"Thank you so much..I really appreciate it.." She hummed and gave me a small nod. I looked down the tray and what I saw was unexpected. The bowl has something familiar but quite..unsettling? Supposedly it's spaghetti and meatballs,but the way it looked like it's something from a weird LSD dream. Each noodle has a different color,they literally look like power cables. The sauce has a strange smokey pink color as the top is sprinkled with different colored flakes;they look like fruity pebbles but it's probably the cilantro. Lastly..the meat balls..they look like each color of playdough were all mixed together. I also realized that each meatball has a happy face carved on it. I looked towards the humanoid and she smiled widely,getting the hint I noticed the smile of the meatballs.
'Huh..she probably did put lots of effort on this dish..that's really sweet of her' I thought to myself and smiled. I grabbed the fork and got a good amount of spaghetti,I nervously opened my mouth and ate the noodles. My eyes widened and started stuffing my mouth with spaghetti. I really expected it to have an upsetting taste,but it's just like any other spaghetti,except this is much better. To the soft pasta,to the mellow taste of the sauce,the tenderness of the meatballs,it creates an amazing dish that will make anyone smile. I suddenly looked at the glass cup,the liquid inside has a bright turquoise color and it has glitter,giving the substance a beautiful shine to it. I carefully grabbed the cup and took a sip. It's sweet with a hint of citrus. It's very refreshing and a great drink to cleanse someone's taste buds. I focused back on eating the spaghetti until the humanoid cleared her..throat?
"Seems like you're enjoying the food a little too much. Here let me clean you up!" She grabbed a napkin and she got closer to me,as she did that I nervously smiled and stayed still. She gently held my cheek and wiped the spaghetti sauce off the corner of my lips. My cheeks slowly grew a soft shade of pink,I felt like a hopeless baby being taken care of. I looked at the side trying to avoid eye contact with her to make it less awkward. After she was done wiping my mouth,she gave out a small gasp and she backed up.
"Oh where are my manners! I forgot to introduce myself!" she took out her arm for me to shake her hand and gave me a bright smile.
"My name is Ena! It's a pleasure to meet you,my new pal!" I smiled back and held her hand,giving it a light shake.
"Hi..my name is (y/n)..it's nice to meet you too."
Bottom text lmao heuheuheuheuheu,I like the incorrect spelling when Moony says "Ena",due to Moony mispronouncing her name every time,anyways I hope yall like this chapter :D


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