Chapter 4

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"So where are you taking us, guide?" Ryan asks.

"Honestly, there isn't very much to see here." I say, linking my fingers through his.

"Well what about your college? Can we go inside?" Mom asks.

"Um, I guess." I shrug.

"Is it close enough to walk?" Mom asks.

"Yes, it's just down the street." I say.

"Can I ask you a question?" Dad asks.

"You just did." I smile. "Sure."

"Do you have any more things that you haven't told us about?" he asks.

I frown, thinking. "I'm having a house built in Atlanta." I say.

"Really?" Mom asks. "How big?"

"Two stories and a basement. There will be a fifteen car garage attached and then another garage detached."

"Why do you need two garages when you only have one car?" Ryan asks.

"Because I have my helicopter." I admit. "And I don't have one car. I only drive one car."

As we pass a man sitting on the sidewalk, wrapped in a tarp because he doesn't have a blanket, I see he has a sign that says "homeless and need money!"

I stop at a nearby ATM.

"You have a helicopter?" Marissa asks, shocked.

"Yeah." I shrug.

"Where is it?" Dad asks.

"In the one part of the house that I didn't show you guys." I say, sighing when the ATM tells me it can't take out that much money. I walk into Acheiva and the lady looks shocked when I tell her how much I want taken out. She gets all my info.

"Oh yeah, you're that photographer chick." She says. "I'll be back."

She walks into the back.

She comes back with the money in a manila folder.

"Thanks." I say. She nods and I walk out and head towards my car. I take all of my stuff out and put it in Dad's truck, and then I drive my car right up next to the homeless man. He looks young, like he's in his late twenties to mid thirties.

"It's cold out here, isn't it?" I ask. He nods, shivering. I drop my car keys in his lap. "Keep it." I say.

"Is this a joke?" he asks.

"No." I say. I hand him the manila folder. "And that, be careful with that." I say.

He peers inside and looks back up at me.

" much money is this?"

"Twenty million." I shrug.

He stands up. "Who did you kill to get this money?"

I smile. "Nobody. I have more money than I can handle. Have a good day." I pat his shoulder and continue on our walk.

"You just gave a stranger twenty million dollars? You know that he could not be homeless, right?" Mom asks.

I shrug. "If he's out on the streets in this cold weather asking for money, there's obviously a reason."

"But that car...that car is your baby." Dad says, confused.

I smile. "That's not the same car." I say.

"Forget it. I want to see the secrets you have in your house." Dad says.

Everyone nods in agreement, and we abandon the college. I ride with Mom and Dad back to my house.

We walk inside and I shed my coat and hang it up.

"Where to?" Mom asks.

"Downstairs." I say, walking into the basement.

"Why don't you like us knowing about this?" Ryan asks.

"Because..." I hesitate. "I do like money..." I pause. "Only when it's mine. I do spend it, because I like it, and because I don't like it. Does that make sense?"

He nods. "You spend it because you like it and you spend it because you don't like it, so you can get rid of it."

"Exactly." I say. "Unfortunately, the only way to get rid of my money is to get rid of it, but I need money."

"Is that why you give it away?" Mom asks.

I nod. "It makes it easier."

"So why are we down here? I don't see any cars." Chase says.

I smile and walk over to the right corner. I slide a little square on the wall to the side and reveal a hand pad.

"Oh, is that one of those things that unlocks by your handprint?" Ryan asks, excited.

"It is." I nod.

I press my hand to it. The red light turns green and I hear a click, and the wall slide aside to reveal a shiny metal staircase. I head down and everyone follows.

My actual car, the one everyone has ridden in, my mustang I got after Naomi destroyed mine sits, perfectly polished in his designated spot.

This room is the size of three townhouse lengths. The people that live next to me and the people next to them have no clue this is under their house. It's all white tile and red walls with very bright lights all over the place.

I have seven cars in total, and an empty spot.

That a car should be at. Tears well my eyes. I miss him.

Sighing, I shake my eyes to rid the tears.

"This is my Ferrari California 2015, my Ferrari 250 GT 1959, my Porsche 918 Spyder 2015, m Porsche 918 Spyder 1970, my Lamborghini Gallargo 2015, and then my favorite, my Ford Mustang convertible 1965."

"And here is your helicopter." Marissa says. "What kind?"

"It's a 2015 Robinson R66 Turbine." I say.

"Why is there an empty spot?" Dylan asks.

"Because she gave her other car to the homeless guy." Taylor says. I shake my head.

This place reminds me too much of him.

I go back upstairs.

"You guys can look around. I don't care."

"What's wrong?" Ryan asks.

"I best friend...he used to live with me, but he's in England."

"Your best friend?" Mom repeats.

"From college." I nod.

"He?" Taylor raises her eyebrows.

"Yes, and no, we were never more than friends. We didn't want to me. He was friends with me from the second I walked into Princeton till the beginning of junior year. He switched to a college in England and we lost touch."

"And that spot is..." Dad trails off. "That's where his car used to be?"

I nod, sighing. "I'm going upstairs.

So what do you guys think? Kelsey actually does buy many things.

Kelsey moving?

Kelsey giving all of that money and her car to a homeless man on the street?

And how about the mystery man that is Kelsey's best friend?

Comments are wonderful and make my day!


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