What if I was gone? (A Tommy Exile Oneshot)

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Trigger warnings:
Suicidal Thoughts


It had been... how many weeks now since Tommy's exile?
He wasn't sure.

Sometimes he would look up at the stars and wonder what would happen if he didn't
burn down and rob George's house...If he and RANBOO didn't rob and burn George's house..
It wasn't his fault, totally! Who is he lying to...  nobody came to visit him anyway...

The only person that visited him was Dream, but atleast he cared... right? N-no! Of course he did! What are these
thoughts... Dream cared more than anyone of course.

Nobody would even care except for Dream if he just killed himself... maybe he should- NO! He's being delusional...

He should sleep, or else his head will get the better of him.


When he woke up, he could hear birds chirping in the distance. He sometimes wishes he
could be like birds... beautiful winged creatures. All he is, is a pathetic child with no purpose... That's why Tubbo exiled him, he was useless and a nuisance.

That's all he was.  

He started hearing faint portal sounds just as he was cleaning up some wounds after injuring
himself while mining for ore. He wanted to make a great new set of armour... but then he gave up halfway after remembering his best friend Dream, would blow it up.

He saw a familiar figure come through the portal... maybe, just maybe, it was someone other than Dream...

And to his slight disappointment it was Dream. He had come through the portal once again, for another daily visit, as usual, because he cared.

He started talking about small, insignificant things with his dear friend, Dream. He was having so much fun.

As Dream dug a little hole near Logstedshire so Tommy could throw his items in, Tommy started to panic. You see, he had recently  made a small hole to hide some of his stuff from Dream, no bad intentions what-so-ever, just a small hole to keep his precious diamonds and such.

To his despair, Dream dug right into that cobblestone-walled room. Tommy though to himself: "Ah shit.." as he knew he had fucked up.

Dream was furious.

He started shouting at Tommy for keeping secrets from him and being a "bad friend". Tommy could feel himself crumble... the shame and despair he was feeling was intense to say the least.

He had let down his best of friends, Dream, like usual. He is a horrible person. He always messes up things and lets people down.

When Dream finally leaves, he knows it's over.

He gathers a stack of dirt and some oak logs and starts towering up.

This is it.

This is the end.

He looks at his small, framed picture of him and Tubbo, and he lets out his final tears...

as he jumps.


It was over. All of it. He was finally free, with his brother Wilbur and... well Schlatt wasn't all THAT great but he knew he didn't have to go on anymore, with the agony and despair that life gave him, and that was what made him happy.

The end.


I'm sorry if this is something that has been overdone, or the writing is really bad. It's my first time ever properly writing anything!

Hope you enjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2021 ⏰

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