Coming Up

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The last time he held me in this embrace, I was shaking, my blood spilling out onto the ground in spurts with each shaky breath I took. He gave me this wound, a farewell gift. His hand was firm behind my neck, trying to keep my head up while he looked into my eyes, flickers across his gaze that I couldn't name. Sputtering out gasps, clinging to his rumbled blood soaked shirt, he's telling me to breath, shushing me dipping my head into his shoulder. Hes talking now,words I cant process,he's always talking in the moments I'm out of my head.

This time its different, I'm the one holding strong to him, he's grabbing my shirt, pulling himself up to meet my gaze. Were both shaking, unsteady on our feet from the loss of blood, his dark eyes pierce my being, a small smirk on his lips. I can see his thoughts, this is what hes been waiting for, I am now his ultimate design, I'm becoming what he's always wanted for me. Breathing heavily I give myself one final thought, can we survive each other next time, but I know we cant survive apart. Grabbing him closer, shuddering at the cold filling my bones, I give him one longing last look and I can see he knows my plan, his long fingers folding around my neck, on my hip as I take a step, and let us fall over the edge.

Gasping and choking on water that is no longer there, searching with arms outstretched grabbing onto sweat soaked sheets. I wince and cup my cheek, stiches, when did I get stitches, I force myself to quiet my breathing, searching my mind for the answers, the fall, the plunge into the icy darkness below. Franticly reaching out to drag myself out of the water and onto the rocky shore. Hannibal isn't here, spitting up the salty water from my burning lungs, I scream out for him. Crawling along the shore, ignoring the pain radiating from my body, I see a leg sticking out of the tangled brush, reaching out is the last memory before the blackness takes over.

Trying to regain my focus, untangling myself from the soaked sheets, assessing my surroundings, a boat maybe? I think I can hear water lapping at the edges. Listening for any sounds, I swing my legs out onto the floor, a low groan escapes my lips, my ankle is thickly wrapped, the throbbing is now edging up my leg from the pressure I added to it. Spying as doorway just ahead, I limp my way to it, slowly climbing the stairs one step at a time hopeful that they don't squeak. Engaged with trying to understand my surroundings I fail to notice a approach from around the corner. "Hello William, you've finally awoken, I must suggest you stay off that leg and come join me"

A quick intake of breath, stumbling back against the frame, hes here, Hannibal is alive. Hes watching me with a amused expression, hand outstretching towards me, beckoning me to follow. "Hannibal..." I swooned right there, reaching for him with unsteady hands. Abruptly he turns and rounds the corner. " Wait, where are you--" He peaks his head around, holding out a tumbler filled with a dark liquid and a small bowl of fruits, "come will you must sit and eat something" The dryness scrapping against my throat tells me to follow, I find Hannibal sitting beside the bow, a chair next to his with a small table in between. I share a thought with myself, looking at the scene in front of me, Hannibal in the sunlight with the smell of the salty air, waiting for me. This is how we should have been 3 years ago.

A scrape of the chair, groan of relief to be off this damned ankle. I watch the water, trying not to stare at him. I have questions forming the tip of my tongue but when I turn to speak them they are silenced by a piece of watermelon being delicately pushed into my mouth. Looking up into Hannibals maroon eyes, a smile sparks in his eyes, " there we go, William have another" Forming a protest I don't need to be fed like a child is pushed down by his fingertips lightly brushing the juice across my lips, instinctively I lick his finger, a soft murmur slides past his, withdrawing his hands to his lap he watches me expectantly. I pluck another piece from the bowl and pop it into my mouth earning another smile from Hannibal. " you already look better with that color spreading across your cheeks" hes noticed the hint of embarrassment, he doesn't know my thoughts had me imagining his finger slipping into the warmth of my mouth wanting to see how he tastes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2021 ⏰

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