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Hobbs and a group of soldiers lead Deckard into a prison. As they walk guns appear in the holes in the walls.
"You sure you brought enough backup with you, Hobbs?" Deckard asks as he looks around.
"Oh, they ain't mine," Hobbs tells him. "They're here to protect you from me killing your ass." A cell door opens before Deckard walks in, sitting on the bed.
"You do know none of this will keep me, right?" Deckard asks Hobbs with a sigh, causing Hobbs to chuckle.
"Well, once you dig through 38 feet of concrete and steel, my fist and a body bag will be waiting for you on the other side," Hobbs answers him with a smirk. "So I suggest you get to digging, boy."

"He's a little kicker," A nurse says as she and Artemis look at the ultrasound.
"Just like his dad," Artemis says with a small smile.
"You got that right," Hobbs says having walked into the room causing Artemis to smile big at him.

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