Chapter 5: You did what??

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Chapter 5: You did what?? Part 1

Winnie (P.O.V):

I woke up in a bad mood might i add because dear old dad decided to have a meeting that couldn't wait so here I am at 6:27am in my pajamas since i didn't have time to shower or clean up for that matter.

"Winnie come on were all waiting for you!" Myles called out to me from dad's office.

For me? why is everyone waiting for me, did I do something for them to have a meeting? is it a dangerous mission or something? I start to walk a bit faster now more awake then I was before. Once I get to my dad's office I see everyone there either standing or sitting but there was a spot next to my dad's car that nobody was sitting in so i guess that spot was for me, i walk to the open chair and sits down.

"This meeting is about you winnie, I know you might, no you will hate me for this but it was for peace and i hope you understand. not everyone in here knows only Patrick and Zayn knows about the plan" my dad says to me, leaving me and everyone else confused about what he was talking about, he takes in a deep breathe and says the words that i did not expect to hear.

"You will be marrying the leader of the Russian mafia Adonis Ivanovich" he says.

Me being shocked was an understatement, i was paralyzed in my seat with my mouth wide open but i wasn't the only person shocked by this kind of news. I look over to the one person that probably hated this idea more then me and that was my brother Myles.

"Have you lost your mind setting up an arrange marriage for Winnie without asking me first or maybe talk to her about it, instead you set up it up without thinking about her feelings! After what happened with that other guy, you decided that it was a good idea to do that probably traumatizing her even more because you bknow the Russian's are a very dangerous mafia and could do god knows what to her, once she says 'I do'' he shouts at my dad who was sitting so calmly in his chair letting him speak is mind.

"I know what you're talking about and i agree with you but we made an agreement that if she is ever hurt by the hands of the leader, he is to be killed on the spot, i always want my daughter to be safe especially during a relationship. Winnie what do you think? you haven't said anything just yet but what are yur thoughts on the idea. if you don't like the idea then maybe i can change the whole thing and come up with something different." my father said to me and i just look at him for a moment then finally spoke.

"I mean if it's for peace then I'll give it a chance, maybe something good would come out of it this time. If anything happens then I'll let you know right away, I also know you want the best for me." i tell him making him smile at me.

"That was a beautiful answer my future wife" A deep russian voice rang throughout the room making everyone snap their heads to the door in surprise.

"Hello Winnie it's nice seeing you again." Adonis says to me as he steps more into the room.

"Oh that was you at the cafe? No wonder why you knew my name but its nice seeing you again" I reply back as he brings me into a hug which i returned. (This 3 days after they met at the cafe just so you know.)

"You've already met? and how long have you been standing there?" Baraba says finally speaking since everyone was just staring as us but mainly Adonis.

"I've been here when her brother spoke up he probably hates me but i don't care because alot of people hate and he doesn't make a difference but what i will say is that hope we all get along and i promise that won't hurt her. My mother always taught me to never lay a finger on a woman especially my wife" He says making me some and everyone else in the room.

"What are you doing here and who let you into the house?" Niba aska him and he points to Pactrick making one look at him in curiousity.

"What? dad said he was comming over and Mikhail said they were here so i told the guards to let them in" he explains to everyone.

"Who is Milhail?" Zayn asks.

"My boyfriend and Adonis second in command" Pat said while blushing

"You have a boyfrind?!" Everyone shouts at him except for me, dad and Adonis. I guess nobody expexted him to be gay because he never dated anyone nore did he talk about his sexuality and nobody asked.

"Yes but enough about my life lets get back onto the real task at handhere!" he says to everyone as we all agree.

"I moved the engagement and wedding to the same day since I'm heading on a mission and won't be back for a month but Winnie can come with me so we can also have our hooneymoon as well" Adonis says so camly.

"YOU DID WHAT?!?!" Everyone shouts at him.

"You could have told me ahead of time because the enagagement wasn't set until 2 weeks from now. now we have to start planning early." my dad says to him making him a bit angry.

"I know but i did that before i arrived so no need to worry about it and you take your time on everything" Adonis explains to my dad making him relax a bit.

"So i should start go planning the engagment and wedding now right?" i ask both dad and him.

"Yes you can go do that and spend as much as you like I'm paying for it, also tomorrow I'm taking you out to go ring shopping. So be ready by 10:30am" Adonis says and i nod, making him smile at me.

"You can go now" Dad says and i get up so does Barbara and Niba. We leave the room leaving the guysto talk about whatever they were going to talk about.

"We should look at decors, flowers and other things but we need to look at thw wedding dress first." Barbara says'

"I'll look at the guess list and see who I'll invite but I know for sure that i will be inviting my brother since i haven't seen him in so long" Niba says as we all make it to my room and starts talking about things we are planning for both my engagement and wedding which i am both nervous and excited about mainly nervous though...this feels like rendezvous but i hope this turns out better.


I hope you all liked this chapter, sorry about the long wait but i just got a new laptop so i should be updating alot more. Sorry for any spelling errors they will try to be corrected as soon as possible, this "You did What?" chapter will be in parts and they will be longer but be patients please I'm trying my hardest to give everyone a chapter as fast as possible so bare with me. Thank you and I'll see you all in PART 2!!

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