
169 8 6

Word Count: 1784

TW: None



All you could see, dark.

Push forward. Open.

And that's exactly what you did. Placing your hands forward, touching what felt like a metal door, you pushed it open with all your might. In hindsight, that was a bad idea. The door opened easier than expected and the force that was used caused you to fall onto a cold wooden flooring. 

A... classroom?

Thankfully, your arms broke your fall and you didn't end up hitting your head too badly.

"Ow..." You groaned in pain. Looking behind you, you realized what you had just fallen out of was none other than a locker, next to two other open ones. "What the..."

"Another one?"

You heard a voice, of a boy you'd presume. In fact, you look back up to find two, both wearing school uniforms and looking down at you with concerned looks on their faces. "Are you alright?" The same boy spoke. He was just a normal looking high school boy, with white pointy hair that stuck out to the side and turquoise eyes. He held out his hand for me to grab and you took it, standing up in a daze. 

The other boy, with dark purple hair and eyes of the same color. He looked at you with a confused expression before getting in your face to get a better look at you. 

The purple haired boy squinted his eyes. "Hm... Who are you?" 

"The real question is, who are YOU?" You retorted back. "Who are you and what am I doing here?"

"I can answer one of your two questions." He responded. "Kokichi is the name. Kokichi Ouma. As for why you're here- or, why we're here, I've got no clue. Do you know how you got here?"

You thought for a moment before it all came back to you. Remembering a small detail before everything went black.

"Yes, actually." You told Kokichi. "At least, I think so? It's kind of a blur, but all I can remember is getting shoved into a van by some... people... while I was walking to school. I tried calling for help, but nobody seemed to even acknowledge I was even there." That made you think of how messed up this world really is. "And it seems that's all I can remember before waking up in that locker."

"That's the same thing that happened to us." The white haired boy added. "It's weird. I'm just a normal person, what would they want with us?"

"Same case for me too." You responded. "Oh, I nearly forgot, my name is Y/N, Y/N L/N."

"You can call me Keebo. It's nice meeting you Y/N."

"Likewise." You glanced to my left to find a door, leading to the hallway outside of the classroom. "Hey! Maybe theres more people here. We should get outa here and maybe we can find some help!"

The two boys nodded in agreement and you rushed to the door and opened it to try and find other people who might be able to help us. Everything was so confusing, you just wanted to know what was happening.

Running out of the classroom, the three of you stopped dead in your tracks when you were met with a giant robot-like machine. It had yellow paint and orange flashing lights. The beast turned around to face us and a child like voice blared from the speakers. 


The three of you stopped for a moment, then collectively screamed before stumbling over your feet and running down the hallway to get away from it.

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