~New start~

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(CW: Blood, Homophobia and homophobic slurs, swearing)

Y/N's P.O.V

    I wake up to the blaring sound of my alarm. I let out a tired groan as I grab my phone to turn off the disgusting reminder that it's my first day at a new school in the  middle of senior year.
I lazily roll out my bed walking to the bathroom flipping on the lights walking over to the shower turning it on.
The soft sound of the water hitting the shower floor was comforting for my nerves.
I undress stepping into the shower letting out a sigh of relief feeling the warm water against my skin.
I quickly finish my shower despite wanting to stay in it longer I don't want to be late for fucking school.
I put on my F/c hoodie throwing on a pair of baggy jeans looking around for my boots. I run down stairs seeing my cat sleeping on the counter.
I rub her face gently making sure to fill her bowl.
I put on my boots lacing them. I grab my bag throwing it over my shoulder. I wave good bye to my cat walking out of the house locking the door behind me.
   I slowly walk towards my new school watching other students, most of them being in the same age group.
I  feel something at the back of my I look around meeting my eyes with a group of taller guys.

"You're new around here, but I can tell you you look like a fucking Fag"

The one stated spitting on the ground next to him.
I growled lowly walking away from them giving them the finger as I left hearing them talk and swear amongst themselves.
I break into a quick paced walk feeling everyone's gaze on me as I walked into the building.
I pull out the paper the principal gave me when I was getting registered for the school.
I checking my schedule seeing my locker combination and my classes.
I quickly turn around bumping into someone causing us to both to fall to the hard ground, I fell face first because that's just my luck.
I frantically try to find words

"I'm sorry, I-I'm sorry are you Okay.?"

I quickly stand up offering a hand to him. He takes my hand standing up.
  I didn't realize how tall he was before he adjusted his sweater and beanie.

"It's ok, you just scared me a bit-Are you alright."

His expression changed to concerned quickly.
I wipe my top lip due to a wet feeling on it, its probably just my allergies.
"U-uh come with me your bleeding." He said quickly grabbing my wrist.
I pull my wrist away out of force of habit my breathing hitched speeding up.

"I-I'll be fine I promise"

I spoke quietly pinching my nose walking away quickly.

I pull everything I need out of my bag slipping my phone into my back pocket. "I wonder what was with that guy." I laugh to myself looking around at all the new faces.

( Sorry that this is a very short chapter I'm just on a time crunch but I hope you enjoyed it ~ Mama) 536 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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