The Key to Sounding Smart

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I often find many people wondering how they can make a better impact on society. What simple thing could they do to change peoples' lives.

Well, luckily for you, I have finally found a solution for all you idiots out there who just wanna make your way to the top, and become a real influence. Behold—my formula to becoming a motivational and influential part of society.

Allow me to begin with an example. Take heed:
"Allow your thoughts to guide your emotions, but don't let your emotions control your thoughts." -Me, 2021

Wow. What an inspirational and moving quote. Now I wanna go jump off a bri-

Now let us dissect this fine aphorism.

If you'll just turn to page 18 in your copies  of Undumbness, The Basics, you'll find a portion that provides us with a simple equation:

a>b, ~(b>a).

This equation basically reads:

"A over B, not B over A"

You may begin to notice a similarity or two in the structure of the Quote 1 to the latter. It looks like this:

Positive idea, comma, negative idea.

With this in mind, let us return to Quote 1. In its raw form, if we plug it into the formula from earlier, it would look something like so:

"Let thoughts over emotions, not emotions over thoughts."

How about we make it a bit more human:

"Let your thoughts be over your emotions, but don't let your emotions be over your thoughts."

You'll notice that we are merely adding flour to a basic statement that arose from a mere formula. Why don't we add some more interesting verbs?

"Allow your thoughts to guide your emotions, but don't let your emotions control your thoughts."

And voila! We have recreated our 'pithy expression.' Of course, we had a plethora of verbs to choose from, so the potential for expansion this quote could receive is rather elevated.

This is the formula. Take any idea—yes, any—and offer up a positive suggestion. Then, create a warning consisting of the suggestion you had before merely swapped about. It is effortless, and certainly not restricted to the walls of the aforementioned recipes.

Now, go out into the world and bedaffle them with a fresh and expanded mind. Grasp dilemma by its horns and scream your solutions into the sky, that they might echo ever so quickly across the vast terrain of wisdom.

Thus the key to becoming a perceived intellectual.


(Don't take this seriously-)

(And yeah— you did just waste 3 minutes or something. But hey, at least you're inevitably smarter now)


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