The Question

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There are countless inquiries that us human conjure up throughout our lives. This is the result of our innate curiosity. It's also what makes us unique. Indeed, we are the only creatures on this planet with the intellectual capacity to question and desire explanations to the wackiest of wackinesses that happen to exist in this very universe.

And thus, I present to you a question which I have had for a very long time (two weeks), with the hopes that I might find—no, we might find—a conclusion.

It may appear simple, but I'm afraid it's stumped even the greatest minds.

How many holes does a straw have?

Simple, right?

Well..................... yesn't.

If we say one, then this assumes that if we took a sheet of paper, stuck the straw down one of its holes and up another, that it is all one collective hole. A whole hole, one could say. And someone who only saw the top of the paper would assume there to be two separate holes.

But if we say two, then this leaves us with the question: if we take another sheet of paper, and observe its "holes," wouldn't they technically be two holes if we use this logic? Since each one has an opening on either side, it's pretty much a suuuupeeer short straw, which our fingers happen to be much longer than.

So, how many holes does it have?

I have no hecking clue-

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