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!!!please read the warnings before continuing!!!

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Dream sat on his bed, blankly staring down at the empty sketchbook page on his lap. His headphones on, blasting 'death bed' by Powfu. The loud music blocked out the world, the sad world outside. It was peaceful, calming, he loved it. It was his so called happy place, If it was even possible for him to have such a place.

To a stranger, Dream would have seemed to be a normal teenager living a normal life. A messy room, an unmade bed, and loud music blocking out the world, it would have been normal. No one could have ever been able to guess the truth, the unbearable truth. And this was exactly what Dream needed.

At the sound of a single knock on his door, Dream pulled out his headphones and called, "Come in."

His roommate opened the door and poked his head into the room. "Hey, Dream" Sapnap said, "sorry about this, but one of my coworkers needed me to cover his shift. Just wanted to tell you I won't be back until late tomorrow. You gonna be ok?"

"Oh, yeah, of course, I'll be fine. " Lies.

"Ight. I'll be leaving shortly, so see you tomorrow. Sorry again." Sapnap then closed the door and within a few minutes, Dream heard the front door open and close. He took a long heavy breath, he was finally alone.

Dream stood up and walked over to his closet. He reached all the way to the back, then pulled out a small green box. Inside contained a full bottle of pills. Dream took it out and set it on his wooden desk, then returned the box to its previous hiding place.

His hands were shaking. A single tear ran down his cheek, but Dream quickly wiped it away. "Stop crying, you fucking loser," he mumbled to himself, "Nobody cares about you. You deserve this. It will be better for everyone." Tears continued to fall as he slid down on to the floor, his hands clutching his head.

Dream sat crying on the floor for about ten minutes when his painful sobs had finally become small whimpers. He raised his head and wiped his face with his sleeves. A sad, small smile spread across his face.

Reaching into the pocket of his jeans, Dream pulled out a tiny silver blade. He pulled up his sleeve, revealing the angry red cuts in various states of healing. Dream gently stroked his thumb over his forearm, feeling the bumps, hissing when he touched a fresh one.

He knew it was messed up, but he couldn't help it.

Dream gripped the blade like his life depended on it. He found a small area on his wrist, one that was still clean of any scars, and touched the cold blade against his skin. Pressing hard, he dragged it across his wrist. Little droplets of blood welled to the surface almost immediately and rolled down his arm, falling on the ground staining the white carpet. Dream winced as he sliced his wrist open for a second and a third time.

He stood up and walked into his bathroom, where he wiped his blade clean and returned it to his pocket. He didn't bother to clean up or hide his wrist. his roommate was gone, so he was home alone.

Dream walked back into his room and sat down on the edge of the bed. Hands shaking, he pulled out his phone. After hesitating for a brief moment, he took a deep breathe and dialed his boyfriend's number.

Ring, ring, ring, Dream was sent straight to voicemail. He decided that he would try one more time and if Techno didn't pick up, it would confirm for Dream that he didn't care about him. He dialed the number one last time, expecting the pre-recorded voicemail message, telling him that Techno was busy and that he would try to call back as soon an possible.

One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Dream's shoulders slumped. Four rings. Then, "Hey, Dre."

Dream's eyes widened with surprise. "H-hey, Techno." He said, voice barely above a whisper.

"Yeah, what's up? " Dream hesitated. Techno sounded stressed and tired. It was clearly a forced cheerfulness in his voice; he didn't want to be bothered by Dream. "Hey listen, is this important? I'm sorry, but I'm really busy at the moment. Kind of in the middle of something important."

Dream took a deep breath. 'Techno was busy. He didn't care. He didn't want to talk to him. He was not important.' "Oh, uh sorry, it's not important. I'm sorry I bothered you." 'I'm sorry I bothered you at all. I'm sorry for bothering you with my existence. I'm sorry I'm not perfect.'

There was a moment of silence. "You sure, Dre? You don't sound fine."

"Yeah, Techno, I swear, I'm fine." Dream desperately tried to sound convincing. 'Why did I even bother calling him? He doesn't care. I'm just wasting his time.' He thought.

"...ok, I'll see you later, Dre..."

Dream's goodbye got caught in his throat. The phone beeped, signaling the end of the call. A single tear ran down his pink cheeks. Five minutes after the call ended, Dream whispered, "Goodbye, Techno."

Standing up, Dream walked into the kitchen, took an unopened bottle of water from the fridge, and returned to his room. He pulled a sealed envelope from the green box that had held the pill bottle and set it on his desk.

So Sorry I'm Not Perfect ||Dnb|| ✔Where stories live. Discover now