Chapter 2

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2 Summers Later (They're both 15 now/ Lori's POV)

If you ask me what my favorite thing about work is, I'd say working with Adam. He finally became a lifeguard! The bad thing is, Vance is his boss. I walk into Crash 'N Splash and see Adam. He waves to me and I run over to him.

"Adam!" I yell in joy. I hug him and kiss his cheek. "What's up?" i ask.

"Nothing much. I gotcha something." he says. He pulls a small box out of his pocket. He opens it and shows me the beautiful necklace.

'It's beautiful." I gasp. He puts it on me and I notice it's a locket. I open it up and see it's a picture of us.

"Now I'm close, even when I'm far." he says with his cute smile. I hug him and give him a kiss. He notices kids not doing what they're told. 'I'll be right back." he says. "Hey kids! What'd I say?" he yells. He jumps in and swims to the other side. I noticed he started going under. He's fricken drowning.

"Vance! Adam is drowning! Do something!" I yell. He looks out and smirks.

'Let him." Vance says. He walks away leaving me to save him. I dive down and get him out of the water. Simon, a top lifeguard, comes and tries to save him.

'Please Adam. Don't die." I cry. "Please." I whisper. I was about to give up hope until he coughed up water. He layed his head down again. "Adam?" I gasp.

"Watch out, it's deep over there." he says with a smile. I laugh and kiss him on the lips.

"D-do you w-wanna stand u-up?" I ask. He nods and I help him up. I hug him tight and he kisses my forehead. 

"It's OK. I'm right here." he whispers to me.

"Collins. Get Baker down to the medic." Simon says. I thank him and take Adam down to "the medic". The medic is actually Number 2.

"How can I help you today?" 2 asks. He turns around and sees Adam dazed. "Adam? You feeling alright?" he asks. Adam falls down onto the bed. 

"Adam!" I yell. He wakes up quick as I kneel down next to him. "Are you OK?" I ask. He nods as 2 checks him out.

"He's fine. He should take the day off. He gets on his walkie talkie. "Simon and Ted, you're on lifeguard duty." he says into it. I walk Adam home and lay him down.

"Thanks for walking me home." Adam groans. "You don't have to-"

"I want to stay. I don't wanna loose you." I say to him. He smiles and gets under the blanket. "It is cold in here." I shiver. He holds the blanket up and I crawl in next to him. "I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too." he says back to me. He kisses my forehead and we fall asleep.

???'s POV

Look at them. Kissing, hugging, snuggling. Gross. I will get my vengeance. I will destroy Adam Baker. Even if it means killing my maker. After all, I can to anything. I am Perfect, right?


So Perfect is back! What'll happen? Leave some comments if you have ideas. I love interpreting your ideas. Catch ya l8r guys. Goo bye!

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