The Experiment

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Before transformation appearance Experiment 017039

Hair-  Short .w bangs off to one side/Light Brown with blonde streaks

Eyes- Dark green

skin- a light tan

height- 5-4

weight- 102’

other- tattoo with 017039 on the back of his neck

After transformation

Hair- Long messy from not being brushed w. long bangs in the face/Pitch Black

Eyes- pale grey

skin- deathly pale

height- 6-10

weight- 125

other- teeth are sharper, super skinny with muscles, a terrifying glare, over protective of the two young ones, same tattoo on the back of his neck with 017039

Experiment 017039 “ his P.O.V

Silence was all I heard going through the experiments back then. Pain was all I felt. All I saw was the occasional Scientists face when I was allowed to wake up from my forced slumber . That was my life back then before I was set free. My “name” was Experiment 017039. I was the only really successful experiment they had back then but even with that they still kept going. They kept adding onto the mutant abilities I was born with and seeing if they could add other abilities. Trying everything to make me into an indestructible mutant killing machine. Eventually I became immune to the pain of them cutting me open and adding things then removing other things. When they found out they did everything to try and make me feel pain. They shot me, lasered me, starved me, shoved me in a furnace, even broke bones. Then it all went wrong… for them. They decided to add a new experiment Toxin 05v2 to my bloodstream to see if they could get a reaction to the poison out of me but a scientist just happened to drop it onto my heart which stopped it. All I felt was actual pain. A high pitched shriek rang through the air. A searing chill running through my bones and then nothing. Absolutely nothing. I couldn’t move there was only this small light that I didn't really want to go to. But then something… happened to me. A strange relief pulsed its way through me and I could finally move. All I knew was my eyes shot open and the scientists stared deep into my soul before screaming and running away. I just sat there in shock until two large men came in the room and grabbed me. They shoved me into a room with nothing except pitch darkness. No one came to get me and I thought I would soon become hungry or need to use the restroom but it never came. I wasn't hungry, thirsty, or…. anything. I felt nothing at all. I thought maybe my life was done. Maybe I would just live my life in this dark and here I am still sitting… Still waiting… Still nothing…

6 months later

It’s been so long of me being in the dark that I just started seeing in the dark. At first it was just a blurry shapes but now it’s more defined. I can’t see colors anymore… I don’t think I can. I can still hear I know. I hear the screams of others brought in to replace me. The screams, yelling, crying… I don’t know what this feeling is… Depression maybe...

I was brought out into the real world finally in a straight jacket, a muzzle (like for a dog), and a leash being chained inside a cage. The sunlight was blinding and all I saw were these men in suits and these women in very… poofed dresses, I think that’s the word. I also saw two other boys like me. They were young very young maybe about 5 years old each. One was crying his eyes out kicking and punching at everything. The other one was just sitting glaring at everyone who walked past.  I never was able to catch their “names” unfortunately so I felt a little bad. This gathering of humans went on with a big man in a mask talking about us being something great, an immortal pet or weapon or something and then they brought me out of the  cage everyone grew grew silent. In the giant mirror that covered the back of whatever this place is I finally saw what I looked like. A  tall lean being towering  over everyone.   Long hair with pale grey eyes looking with a terrifying stare. I almost scared myself for a second. They chained me to the floor in a kneeling position  before they went to get the small boys. When they chained them down beside me, the big man giving this speech on the wonderful experiments and how they will grow to help everyone. Then they started the auction. Many of the people wanted the younger two cut up and dissected for more experiments but they wanted to keep me for a pet… They started with selling the screaming young one for a thousand dollars. It got up to me before something happened…

??? P.O.V

Agent Coulson’s notes-

It was 8:00  A.M when we got the hint towards one of the Russian labs doing illegal experiments. We sent Black Widow to check it out and it was confirmed that it was indeed illegal experimentation plus they were selling the experiment subjects. Right now it’s 10:00 P.M and we have three vans heading towards the labs location right now. I don’t know how this will end but hopefully we will succeed capturing the scientists at least and saving the poor test subjects.

Experiment 017039 P.O.V

It was about an hour into the auction. They sold the glaring one for 15,000 dollars to a man in need of a servant. They sold the screaming one to another lab in need of another experiment for 10,000 and now they were selling me. Right now the person in the lead is a rich lady who wanted me for a pet. Many of the people wanting to buy me wanted me for a pet. The man in charge finally yelled “Sold to the lovely lady with the scarlet hair” (*winks*) when the lights shut off. It was a moment of panic indeed. I used the time to break my chains and gathered the young boys into my arms to protect them. I escaped into the back room with the two.


Victory One stupid chapter done. Hopefully you guys liked it> If you enjoyed don't forget to vote.

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