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2 Months later

I woke up to a new day and i see john next to me and then i remember i slept over whoops my bad

*couple hours later*

"Hey john is it ok if i invite Jerry over?" I ask

"Yeah go ahead i don't care" John says in his low husky voice

"So what do you want to do today, just watch movies and chill?" I say

"Yeah that sounds nice i don't rlly want to do much today any-" John says

there's a knock on the door must be jerry

"hey jerry!!" I say

"Hey bro what's up haven't seen you in a while" John laughs and jerry adds in

"Hey jerry were just gonna watch movies and chill, is that alright with you?" I say

"Yeah that's fine with me didn't feel like doing much anyways" Jerry says

"Okay cool" I say "Hey john can you order some pizza while i go out and get some ice cream from the store i won't be long"

"Yeah, here do you need my keys"

"Yeah actually thanks"

i get into the car and go out to get some ice cream. I'm not sure what to get but i'll get the basics maybe i'll get the one with all three flavors just incase. I buy the ice cream and head back when i get inside the pizzas here but when i shut the door both john and jerry look my way i smile "Hey guys i'm gonna go put this in the freezer" they both nod

when i get back we decided on a movie which some reason turned into the titanic not sure why but they both wanted to watch it when the movie ends i'm crying and so are they "hey guys i'm gonna go to the bathroom" I say "Okay" Jerry says i go in there to take a big fat fucking shit but when i go out i don't see jerry or john no where near the couch anymore so i go into the kitchen and i can't believe what i saw my jaw dropped and i gasp.

John looks over "No babe it's not what it looks like i swear" i start crying and run out of the house and start walking home

when i get home i just cry in my bed i hear my phone go off like 10 times but i just ignore it knowing it's john and jerry i just can't believe i saw my boyfriend and best friend kissing

my question is why were they tho it's not like they're gay i laugh i fall asleep that night and when i wake up i swear i've never seen so many notifications.


bitch what did i just write its 3 in the morning i should be asleep

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