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As usual, Destiny was late for our daily skype call. "I'll call at 11pm your time!" Is something she says way too often and never sticks to. I'm always left waiting for an hour before I get a DM saying; "Shit! I forgot, I'll call now!" Which was what happened tonight. An hour later than planned, Destiny finally requested a skype call and I glared at her through the screen when I answered.

"I'm sorry! My mum was making me clean dishes, I know I said 11pm your time but I lost track of time and ah I'm such a shit friend." Destiny's thick Australian accent rang through my earphones, very loud and very high pitched.

"It's okay, Des, I'm kind of used to it." I laughed, only half of that statement was true. Destiny sighed in relief.

"I really hate time-zones, they just kind of mess everything up, don't they?" Destiny pouted, she was sat outside, the too-blue sky was the background for this very picturesque skype call. Destiny was very blonde and very chirpy. I got the feeling everybody in Australia was like that.

"Especially when your internet friend calls an hour later and everybody in your family is sleeping." I rolled my eyes, talking quieter than Destiny, her voice was louder than the thunder storm outside, it was that time of year again.

Destiny and I had been friends for two years, we met over Twitter when a girl started an argument with her (apparently some people thought all blonde's were superficial and ignorant (not the case)) and it somehow ended up on my timeline, I, of course, defended young Destiny and she thanked and followed me. We didn't speak for another 6 months until she got involved in yet more Twitter drama, (she kind of started that one) and then it just kept happening, (the speaking not the drama, although there was more of that too.)

"Being 11 hours ahead of you isn't very fun, I never remember times, you know this!" 

"There's a thing on your phone, you know the thing that you use to check your reflection? Yeah, it has a world clock section, check it out sometime, could be helpful." I replied dryly, Destiny didn't understand my sarcasm very well most of the time, but this time she did, and frowned a lot at me.

"Very funny. How's your week been?" She asked with a smile, picking at her nails, she was just so interested in talking about this.

Destiny and I spoke every Saturday night, it was kind of a tradition now, we'd been doing so for at least a year, and although it was usually a lot later than planned (I was the only one in this friendship that understood time zones and how to stick to a plan) we got through it and it was a weekly occurence.

"Great, completely fine. I love being ill." I huffed, I already told Destiny that I didn't go to school this week, I had a lot of work due in and decided to avoid it all completely.

"Yeah, 'ill'" She said with air quotations. "How did that work out for you?"

"I have a lot of angry teachers that need a lot of work handed in, for Tuesday."

"I'm sure you'll get it done." She shrugged.

"Last Tuesday." I admitted, Destiny frowned at me, she used to threaten me when I did things like this, but she knew she couldn't do anything to stop me from missing deadlines or skipping school, so she gave up and instead frowned at me. Sometimes she even pointed a finger at me.

"Ro, you know you can't keep doing thi-" Destiny's speech was interrupted with a loud screech and my screen glitching out, it had happened before, mine and Destiny's chats had been cancelled once or twice by the system crashing, but what, or should I say who, appeared on my screen next was definitely out of the ordinary.

"Who the fuck are you?"

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ayeeeee another new fic lmao ahhh my drafts are as much of a mess as my life oops. but here we have a luke fic yay! it's gonna be cool ok. idk when i'll update bc im still in love with whodunit (not much has changed then) but i will bc i like this idea so we'll see! xo

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