chpayer 891- family reunion

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"Y/n wake the flip up!!!!" I woke up to see this...

"Draco what are you doing?" I asked him, concerned

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"Draco what are you doing?" I asked him, concerned

"We have to rob to survive my baka." He said.

Society sucks. So sad.

"Draco, what happened why am I in this single bed of ours?" I asked and he stopped.

"You fainted, and I saved you." He said. Omg hes so kind.

"Y/n, you must be careful, someone is after you, someone....dangerous." he says.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"No one, dont worry about it, but like worry about it cause he might kill you."he said then left the room, flying out of the window.

"What a baka." I said silently.

I went to sleep for a while.

When I woke up I realised I wasnt in my room anymore.

"Hello? Draco?" I asked. No one.

Then I heard the door open.

"HELLO MY BLOODY LOVELY SISTA!!!!! OH MY BLOODY GOODNESS THIS BLOODY TEA IS BLOOMIN DIVINE." Harry styles yelled as he walked through the door with a union jack tea cup in his hand.

"Harry styles what's happened??!" I asked, scared as I didnt have my wand with me.

"I'm holding you bloody hostage so i can get my bloody stuff back from draco. He stole my tea collection." He said, angry.

"Omg I'm so sorry about that harry styles." I said.

He began to cry. He wasnt the same man as before. He was so upset. I've never seen anyone so sad.

We played some uno for a bout 5 hours until a knock at the door was heard. He opened it.

It was Zayn Malik.

"Hi bro." He said.

"Yo my bloody lovely brotha." He said.

Then a window smash was heard down stairs and a song played. (Play song)

His Broken Girl (Draco Malfoy x Reader x Harry Potter x ron) book 2Where stories live. Discover now