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Silas drove home, leaving Madison at theatre. He walked to his room and never looked back, so he closed himself in there. He changed into sweats then laid down on his bed, grabbing his phone. Tonight was absolute shit and he felt miserable. He was hoping for once in his life he could have one successful relationship, but deep down he knew that wouldn't happen with a girl.

S: [ Hey Noah, I know you still aren't a huge fan of me. But I just need someone to talk to, tonight was terrible. ]

It took a few minutes for the other male to respond to the text. Noah had taken a long shower after school, he wasn't in the best place but he was trying. When he saw Silas' text, it was surprising.

N: [ What's going on? ]

S: [ I went on a date with someone. All she wanted to do was get into pants. I snapped at her and left. ]

Noah was shocked that Silas was being open with him, but he also knew that the other was a lot more open about how he felt. He wished he could be more like that, yet he never understood how people are so willingly to vent to others without the fear of being judged.

N: [ I'm sorry, that sucks. ]

Silas wrapped his blankets around him tightly, because he was cold and he wanted the feeling of being held. He was longing for someone to wrap their arms around him, it was a feeling he craved.

S: [ It does, but at least I don't have to deal with her anymore. Wouldn't be surprised if she finds someone new tomorrow, but I don't care if she does. I didn't even like her that much. I don't like girls. ]

He didn't realize that he sent that last part until after he pressed send, and Noah had already read the text. Silas started to panic, no one is supposed to know that about him.

S: [ Oh god...please don't tell anyone what I just told you. Please. ]

N: [ That you're gay? I won't tell, I don't have anyone to tell. And don't freak out about telling me, it's cool with me. I'm gay too, see, we're even now? ]

Seeing that text calmed down Silas a lot. He wasn't out to his family or his friends, but he hoped that his friends would never find out. They weren't the most accepting of LGBT+ people, and he was scared that if he was out then he would have a target on his back, and whoever he was with. Although, he wasn't expecting Noah to be gay, that was a nice surprise but he couldn't figure out why it made him soo happy.

S: [ Are you out to your family? ]

N: [ My mom knows, yeah. She is supportive about it, and can't wait to see me come home with the "one" ]

S: [ How did you do it? Did you just come out and say it? Uh, no pun intended there. ]

Noah laughed at the unintentional pun, and he finally felt comfortable talking to Silas. Maybe he wasn't like the other, and just maybe, he'll start letting down his guard around him.

N: [ Well, I had already owned a gay pride flag, so when I moved in with my mom I just hung it up on my bedroom door and waited till she noticed. It took her a few days to notice. ]

S: [ Wow. Well, uh, I probably won't take that route, but you get points for creativity. ]

Silas was smiling big, and he didn't even realize it. Talking to Noah was definitely improving his mood little by little, and he also noticed that Noah was freely talking to him. He wasn't mad or angry at him for texting, Noah almost seemed happier now when they talked. This is a big step for them, and he hoped that it meant that they can be friends.

N: [ Haha, yeah. I didn't know what to say with words so I did that. When she noticed, she just hugged me and said she was proud of me for telling her. The flag is still on my door to this day. It's been years. ]

S: [ Your mom sounds really cool. Anyways, I loved our talk, but I'm exhausted from tonight. I'm gonna head to bed. I'll see you tomorrow in class :) ]

N: [ See you in class. Please don't forget your notes, we need those. If I can even read them, with your messy ass handwriting. Night Si. ]

Silas smiled even bigger at the nickname, he even had a tinge of pink on his cheeks. He made sure his alarm was on then he set his phone down. He fell asleep peacefully for the first time in a long time.

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