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As you held the small kind of crinkled up paper with sloppy words written on it you wondered to yourself. "Holy shit... I just got someone's number for the first time..."  Yep, that's right, you're no longer lonely! Well, that's if this goes well. You snapped out of your stupid space and shoved it into your pocket on (or in?) your F/C (Favorite Color) hoodie, and then ran towards the apartments...

*Timeskip ig lmao*

When you got to the apartments you quickly walked over to where Devi and Tenna lived. You knocked on the door, happy as fuck. I mean, I can't blame you, I (as the author) would be happy if I got someone I liked number too. Tenna cracked open the door, peaking out only to see you, and then her eyes lit up. 

"*Gasp* Y/N!!! COME IN HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Tenna being her happy excited self opened the door wide up and grabbed you by the hoodie and pulled you in the small apartment. "Oh shit uh hi Tenna, also I'm fine.. Where's Devi? I kinda have some news for both of you guys." You chuckled and Tenna looked at you like she was processing something in her air filled head. "Oh, yeah she's up stairs!" Tenna called for Devi. "HEY BITCH COME DOWN HERE Y/N IS HERE AND THEY HAVE NEWS!" Tenna screamed  at the beginning of the stairs. "FINE I'M COMING DOWN JUST, SHUSH." Devi screamed back to Tenna, you could hear Devi's footsteps coming down the hall and then down stairs.

"Okay, Devi, Tenna I have news!" You said excitingly to the 2 goths. "I got someone's number today at the 24/7!" You said with a smile on your face. "AHHHH! THAT'S GREAT! WHAT'D HE LOOK LIKE? WAS HE CUTE!?" Tenna squealed. "Oh that's great Y/N, what'd he look like?" You told the pair that he was tall, appeared skinny, had a hairstyle that wasn't to normal but it was cute etc etc...

"Oh- Can I see the number real quick Y/N?" Devi said as she reached through her phone. "Oh- Yeah sure!" You reached in your pockets and handed her the paper and Tenna peaked over Devi's shoulder. Devi stared at her phone for a minute, then stared at the paper, the phone, the paper and then-

"HOLY FUCK Y/N THIS ISN'T GOOD!" Devi said in a panicked tone. "Wait what? Why?" You said confused as fuck. "I WENT OUT WITH THIS GUY, HE TRIED TO FUCKING KILL ME! HE'S FUCKING CREEPY Y/N WHATEVER YOU DO TRY TO AVOID HIM!" Devi literally fucking screamed. Tenna, not knowing what the fuck is going on tried to calm everyone down. "Guys, guys! Please calm down! Look, Y/N can just uh- I'm not sure actually.. Yeah just avoid him if you see him again!" Tenna didn't know what to say at all. "Devi please he seemed so nice and cute!" You begged Devi. "No, I can't let you put yourself at risk like that! Please..." Devi looked really fucking concerned, like, this shit was serious... "Devi, I believe you but I haven't found anyone that looked as sweet and nice as him, please let me just hang out or talk with him ONCE and then I'll see where it goes from there. Okay?" You tried to beg Devi but she wouldn't stop being such a fucking mom. "Y/N, I can't right now, go, get out" 

As you were about to walk out the apartment Tenna followed you. "Sorry Y/N, well, bye!" She made you a little more happy. "Thanks Tenna, bye!" You walked out as Tenna shut the door.

Who Are You And Why Are You In My House (Johnny C. X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now